Chapter 3: Awake

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"Get up, you little bitch!" Zeke screamed and grabbed me by collar. "You whimpering twit. I don't know how I ended up with you as a mate."

"Zeke, please!" I begged as he threw me on the bed. "I don't know what I did wrong. Just tell me what to do."

"You're pathetic. That's what you did wrong." He said, slapping me across the face. "I deserve a better mate. A stronger one."

I couldn't stop crying as he ripped my clothes off. I begged and pleaded but he wouldn't stop. No matter how hard I fought back, it wasn't enough. This nightmare would never end.

"That's right. Fight back." He grunted. I sobbed and tried to get away again. He pried my legs open and lined himself up. He smiled wickedly and--

I sat up with a gasp, frantically looking around. A nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Glancing around the room, I noticed how bright and clean it was. I leaned forward and put my head between my knees, trying to calm my breathing. I didn't move until I heard the door open. Looking up, I saw Zoella walking into the room.

"Johanna?" She asked timidly. I nodded and wiped my eyes. She smiled and came to sit on the bed. "It's nice to officially meet you. You've been asleep for two days. I have to say your wolf is very strong. I was impressed with her resilience."

"I don't think I would have made it this far without her." I said, leaning back against the headboard. "Thank you for taking me in. I don't know why Lyla wanted us to come here but I know it was important."

"It's no problem at all. We always help those in need." She said with a sweet smile. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Are you feeling up for a tour?"

"I feel much better." I told her, slowly getting out of the bed. "Is the king okay with me being here?"

"I've already spoken with him and he's fine with it. He's away on business right now but he'll be back soon. That's my brother, always trying to help people." She explained, walking to the dresser. She seemed to sense my confusion as she turned back to look at me."This kind of thing happens from time to time. A wolf, demon, or human runs away from their home and finds their way here. We take them in and let them stay in the castle until their better acquainted. Then we integrate them into our society. Find them work and a place to live. Help them find peace from whatever they were running from."

Everything and nothing she said made sense. All my life, I was told that the Kobia Kingdom was cruel. That they bred the worst kind of beings. Their people were said to be full of hate and malice. But that wasn't what I saw here. The city was bright and people laughed. Even Zoella was kind and cheerful.

"I'll admit that I'm a little confused." I told her, taking the clothes she handed me. "This place is unlike anything I've ever heard. The rumors are that this kingdom is terrible."

"Yeah I've heard the rumors." She said, laughing. "The rumors come from people who have seen my brother in his true form. The demon form. People tend to be scared of us when they see it. They see us as evil"

"Well I've seen true evil. I doubt it would scare me." I said as I got dressed. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I just want to put it all behind me. I have things I need to figure out."

Things like saving my brothers. At least Jeriah. He was too little to be subjected to living in that pack.

"I understand that." She said, going to the door. "Come on. Let's get you some food and then you can see the city."

I smiled at her and nodded my head. And together, we made our way down to the kitchen.

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