Chapter 7: Date

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"You know what I love?" Ella asked as she fished through a pile of her makeup. "I love how naturally beautiful you are."

"Oh stop it." I said, waving a hand at her as a blush spread across my cheeks. She was currently helping me get ready for dinner and wouldn't stop complimenting me.

"I mean it!" She practically yelled. I giggled as she playfully shoved my shoulder. "I'm honestly tempted not to put any makeup on you. And your hair is perfect."

"Well I've never had my makeup done." I said, looking in the mirror. She was definitely right about my hair. In the few short days since I'd been here, I was already looking so much healthier. My brown hair no longer looked dull and stringy. The natural curls finally came back. I'd been able to eat as much as I wanted, which caused me to finally gain weight. I didn't look malnourished anymore.

"You've never had your makeup done? Like ever?" She asked, looking appalled. I shook my head and watched her eyes go even wider. "That won't do at all. I'll do some light makeup then. Maybe tomorrow night, I'll come spend the night in your room and we can stay up and play with makeup."

"That sounds like a lot of fun." I said, giggling at how, in that moment, she seemed like a teenage girl again. "You could definitely give me some pointers. I've always wanted to learn."

She clapped her hands and started pulling out different kinds of makeup. It felt so comfortable being here with her. We giggled and talked about castle gossip. After almost thirty minutes, she finally pulled out a dress for me to wear. It was a cute sundress that had a simple flower design. She was wonderful at listening to what I wanted. I told her I didn't want to go over the top and she followed through. Within minutes after putting the dress on, we heard a knock on the door. Ella ran to open the door to a smiling Nikos.

"She's all yours, Nik." She said, patting his shoulder as she walked out. I had to contain my laugh when she got behind him and gave me a thumbs up before disappearing. He didn't notice because his eyes were wholly focused on me.

"You look beautiful, my little wolf." He said, handing me a bouquet of roses. I smiled as I took them, trying my hardest not to outright stare at him. He had on a pair of jeans with a nice dress shirt tucked in. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbow and man did he look good.

"I could say the same about you." I said, placing the roses on the dresser. "Ready to go?"

He smiled, offering his arm. Always the gentleman. We talked a little as we walked down the garden, nodding at the guardsmen as we passed. As we got further into the garden, my breath was taken away. There were lights strung around a gazebo, lighting up the vines that grew all over it. There was a small table in the middle of the gazebo with two chairs. A secondary table was right next to it, filled with all kinds of food. The whole setting was so intimate.

"Do you like it?" He asked hesitantly. I turned to smile at him. He was so nervous and it was adorable.

"I love it. No one has ever done this for me before." I said as he led me to the table. He pulled out my chair for me to sit down. My heart thundered in my chest as he sat down. I didn't know how to act on a date since I'd never been on one. But I guess I was about to find out.

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