Chapter 21

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Mike's POV

"Doctor Serena and Ash are now out of unconsciousness." The Nurse said, while entering the doctor's office.

"Are they stable?" the doctor asked, to which the nurse nods. The quickly got up off his chair and grabbed his white jacket from the side.

"Doctor... can we meet them?" Grace asked, with a slow voice.

"Will first do a check up again and then you both can meet them. And one important thing, please don't tell them about this right now and control your emotions." The doctor replied to which both of them nod.

As the doctor went outside, I got up from my sitting positions and was about to leave the room suddenly when Grace stopped me.

"Wait there." She said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Who are you. Why are you here? What do you want? Why you accepting all the faults instead of protecting yourself like you were doing earlier. Why are you requesting us to do things this hard?" she asked. I looked to her eyes, and then looked down.

"I lost someone in an accident because of which I was broken and soon it cost my best friend to be away for me. But then, I realized, that I was wrong the whole time. I thought that it's all because of someone else or even my fault. But then, after meeting the people here, I realized. It's no one's fault. It's only 1 guy who controls everything and writes everything in our diary of life. And this thought happened when I met Ash, Serena, Gary and Dawn. The situation in which Ash and Serena are now is complex, but I know they can still live the fullest. They just a catalyst like you." I replied.

Grace stood there for a second and then approached me and kept her hand on my head and caressed a little. I looked up to her face. She made a tiny smile and then just went out of the room. I was now standing there surprised.

"I guess, you melted someone's heart."

I turned my head to see Delia approaching me.

"I am sorry of Ash's problem." I said.

"Nah it's fine. It's fine. You go out, I will come in a while." She replied to which I nodded. I went outside and as soon I closed the door; I heard a loud cry from inside. It was clear that Grandma was hiding her all the time. And I can understand. I am not the one to compare the pain of losing parents and losing your heir, but both results in pain. The pain which can only be felt by the one who's suffering.

We try to 'move on' from the incidents, but the truth is, we never move on. The pain always remains inside us. And this pain always comes out of us periodically. I wish grandma tries her best to control herself.


We all were sitting in front of the ward. It was total silence. No one was speaking anything. Gary was expressionless and Dawn's face was like all her tears are finished. Suddenly, the doctor came out of the ward. I and Gary quickly rushed towards him.

"Doctor, how are they now?" I asked.

"They both are stable now. You all can meet them. I will soon write the report and they will be discharged by today." The doctor replied to which all of us took a sigh of relief. Grace got up off her chair and entered the ward room. We all also followed her. We saw Serena lying on her bed, and having a small smile.

"Mom?" she asked. on hearing this, Grace quickly rushed towards her and hugged her. Serena had a surprised face, but she hugged her back.

"Thank god you are fine. I was so scared on hearing what had happened." Grace said while still hugging, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

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