Chapter 4

213 21 17

Mike's POV

It was 1 am midnight. I was quickly cycling towards the science centre. I sneaked from Avery's house a while ago, and was now on the way to the science centre.

Dr Clemont experiment, the time dilution stuff... can be a way to change this present. He said we can go to the past easily for some time. I can travel back to time before the accident, and can protect mom and dad.

This way, I will change my present.

It's the first time that I am doing something without asking anyone. I usually take help from Avery, but she's not talking to me, and it's hurting me. It's all because of the incident. I can reverse the incident, and everything will be normal.


After 10 minutes of cycling, I reached near the main gate of the science centre. It was about 1:30 am now. Now was the challenge to sneak inside the centre. As I was thinking about it, I noticed that the guard is siting on the same place for pretty long time without any movement. I approached him and noticed that he's deep asleep. Now was my chance.

I silently opened the steel gate and entered the main premises of the centre. Well, that was easy. I then entered the main building. It was total dark in the entrance, but I noticed lights on in the corridor. I took my phone and switched on its flash light.

Thanks to my memory. I was able to remember the room where the machine was kept. I silently walked towards the room, and opened the door very slowly. As I opened it, I saw the massive machine in front of my eyes. It was the second time I saw it.

The fans and the motor were running at high speeds and sounds. It was clear that the machine was still on. I then silently entered the room and came near the machine. It seemed to be like a control room, where there were a lot of levers and buttons. It looked complex, but they were all labelled.

I went to the category where it was written 'Time Control'. The category has some kind of lever where it had numbers written on it. Beside the lever was a red button with 'Initiate' written on it.

I pulled the lever to 25. I guess, the duration is in hours. So if I go before 25 hours, I can protect mom and dad.

I still doubted that this would work, but this was the only way to do. I closed my eyes and clicked the red 'Initiate' button. Suddenly, the machine started making a very loud sound, and one of the sections where the passenger sits was glowing.

This was the time.

I sprinted towards the seat and grabbed it. I tied the seat belts and kept my head behind. The area around my was glowing brightly, thus making my eyes close. Still I was barely seeing something. The seat started vibrating and heating up. I was now kind of scared that the machine might explode. Then, the machine started cooling down, and the bright light started rising.

"The time dilatation is taking place." The AI of the machine says and the bright light started glowing more brightly.

As these things were doing, I noticed the lab doors opening. Before they could enter, there was a total darkness in my eyes.

Suddenly, I was inside some realm type of thing, with the recent and the past memories of mine going away. I felt like I was moving in a speed of light. The past things started moving backwards. I noticed the mourning I did, the date with Avery, the amusement park visit last year and so on. I closed my eyes, with my speed increasing.

Suddenly, I felt felling down hard on the ground.

"Ouch!" I said, while rubbing my back. I opened my eyes, and then, I noticed, I was not in the realm thing, but now, outside in open sky.

A guy passed me, with a weird look on his face, while seeing me sitting down on the ground. I quickly stood up, and noticed around. I guess, I have time travelled.

As I was looking around, my eyes fell on the gate of the science centre. It was a different design, and different colour. Wait, the gate was not of this design. Moreover, it's the first time I am seeing any design like this.

As I lifted my head, chills went through my nerves. The building of the science centre was way to small than what it was.

Where the hell am I?

The surroundings of the science centre were different, and it felt like in a jungle. All over were trees, with small homes, rather than the tall buildings. As I was watching around, someone was passing by.

"Excuse me." I said.

"Um, yes?" he asked.

"May, I know which year is going on?" I asked.

"Um, it's 1995. Any problem sir?" he replied.



I was walking on the roadside footpath. There was just one thing running in my brain now. How can I go back? Clemont uncle said they need to switch the time dilution before a certain time duration, otherwise I will stuck in between the time, or will be here for the lifetime.

Thinking of this gave me chills throughout the body. No one knows that I am here. I can't even contact them. I don't know what to you now.

As I walking, I heard a voice from the side.



I turned my head and noticed a group of boys in the park, surrounding a small platform. The next thing I saw gave me a huge heart attack.

A tall boy, with spiky hair, and 'z' marks below his eyes was standing on the platform, on the top.

The same face, the same physical feature, the same 'z' marks, the same pitch of voice. It's him. The one whom I never thought to meet here.




STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY! (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ(*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ

Keep Voting 😉

-Miheer ˋ (° ▽、°) ˋ (° ▽、°)


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