Chapter 12

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Gary's POV

"Yes." Dawn said. We both were still walking in the fair, and the place lighted greatly. I was kind of always wanted to see and enjoy these lightings along with Dawn. Nut I guess, I am late.

"Oh...I see. Anything good till now?" I asked, with a low and upset tone. It's all beczuse of me. I should have done this before.

"No, it's nothing like that... I am just... scared that if I confess my feelings to him, our friendship might get affected." She replied.

"Oh..." I said.

"Why this question out of nowhere?" she asked.

"Oh... um... just to start a conversation." I replied.

"Hmm, what about you? Anyone in your heart?" she asked.

"Well yes... but the same thing. I also don't want our friendship to end." I replied.

"Oh, we are on the same track then." Dawn said and to which I nod and turned to her. She also turned towards me and we were now watching in each other eyes. There was a total silence for a second. It seemed like I was swimming in her eyes. Just then we both break from our thoughts.

"Um, we should proceed." Dawn said.

"Oh, yes." I replied.

As we both were walking through the fair, there were many tents and kiosks set up in straight lines. A few were still not oppened officially, but were lighted up with yellow lights, which made the place more beautiful.

As the tents passed by, we saw many tents and kiosks made specifically for couples. As we were passing by, Dawn stopped.

"What's up?" I asked while turning to her.

"Um, that bunny seems cute..." she said while pointing to a certain tent. I turned my head towards where she pointed. It was a small kiosk which seems to be one where we throw diks and get items.

"Do you want that?" I asked.

"Um, yes. But nevermind. That kiosk seems to be for only couples." She said.

"Um, if you want... we can go... it doesn't say we have to be girlfriend-boyfriend." I replied. She turned me with a small surprise.

"Are you... sure?" she asked.

"If you want to." I replied. She paused for a minute but then nodded.

We both approached the kiosk and ask the worker there to give us the rings.

"There would be 5 chances. You both need to throw two each and then one together." The worker said.

"What do you mean by together?" I asked.

"Like you both need to hold each other hands and throw the ring. I before that anyone of you succeed to get the item, the game will be finished." He replied.

We both see each other first and then back to the rings. Alrgiht Gary, you need to get that item in your chance only before the 5th chance.

"Alright, give us the rings." I said while handing him the money. He took the money and gave us 5 rings. First Dawn went. At her first chance, the disk never reached the bunny, but fell way before it.

"Oops." She said.

"Don't worry, try it again." I said, to which she nodded. She did it again and this time it nearly reached the bunny.

"Oh no. Gary, you try it now." She said while handing me the rings. I went forward and trew the first ring. It just went way above it. By seeing this, Dawn laughed a bit.

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