Chapter 19

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Mike's POV

"STAY RIGHT THERE! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO BOTH OF YOU." I said while pushing the stretcher having mom and dad on it.

Things now for me are worst. Both mom and dad are injured, blood is all over their body. by god grace, we quickly got an ambulance and took mom and dad to the nearest hospital.

"Just hold on for some more time." Gary said while pushing the stretcher beside me. 4 to 5 doctors rushed towards us and helped in taking them inside the emergency room. As we reached there, we were stopped by the nurses to go any further and they took mom and dad in separate rooms.

Things again started fading in my eyes. The thing which will happen after 25 years from now happened. I was shivering.

I was scared. Scared of not losing them again. Is this all because of me? Is it because I came back in time and fell danger upon mom and dad? Is it only because I went back in time... so that I can change my present?

As I was thinking about all of this, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw it was Gary.

"Hey, don't panic... it will be alright." He said. But this didn't help me at all.

"Am still feeling scared. It feels like all of this thing happened because of me." I replied, while lowering my head.

"Hey, it's not you fault at all." He said

"And it's not his fault either. Not even Serena's fault. So then who's fault is this? Because of whom these things are happening? Because of which mistake that everyone did, we all are in this situation?" I asked. I asked to myself. Were these all things ever meant to be happened?

Me travelling back in time, interfering with my parent's life, interfering with my uncle's life. All results in this? This pain? Why is this happening? Why...... just why?

Suddenly, Gary held both of my shoulders with little more power. I lifted my head in surprise and saw him seeing me, eyes into eyes.

"Mike listen. I know this may sound very old cultured, but there's one thing that very common in this world. And that is pointing out each other mistakes and even the mistakes inside ourself. But remember, it's no good. All these pointing either results in tampering each other relationship or hurting our own soul withing ourselves. So, don't think it's anyone's fault. This is what meant to be happened. Now stop pointing faults in yourself." He replied. He was right.

I was doing nothing but hurting myself more and more. Will this the thing that I want to do? Will be this thing that mom and dad will want me to do?

As I was in deep thinking, I noticed Dawn approaching us from the reception.

"You did the call?" Gary asked.

"Yes, to both of them." She replied.

"Whom did you call?" I asked.

"Grace and... Delia..." she replied.


We trio were waiting for both the grandmas to come. This goanna be the first time am going to meet grandma when she was young.

As we were wating, I noticed someone with a little familiar approaching us. It was Delia....

"Gary?" she asked to which Gary lifted his head up. As he saw Delia there standing in front of him, he quickly stood up. Seeing him, me and Dawn also did the same thing.

"Hello Delia. It's been long." Gary said.

"Yeah, it is. Um, is it true about... Ash?" she asked with a little pause, to which Dawn nods.

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