Chapter 2

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Mike's POV

"This is how I got an idea to make a time dilution invention." Dr Clemont said. It's been half an hour since we all have met him, and throughout this half an hour, he was just giving a speech about how he got into science and then into this line of inventions. And I am sure, more than half of the students will be now asleep.

"Alright students! Let's finally see it!" Dr Clemont said to which some of the 'topper' students nodded. Well, I was correct, many of them are tired.

We made one line to maintain the 'discipline' which may never be maintained and one by one slowly entered a room having a big door. As we were approaching, me and Avery passed Dr Clemont, who stopped both of us.

"You both are Mike and Avery, right?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. But how do you know?" Avery asked.

"Well, your father Gary messaged me that you both are coming, so I recognized you." Clemont replied.

"Wait, you know my father?" Avery asked, with a bit surprised face.

"Yeah, haven't he told you?" he asked.

"Oh yeah! Dad told me that you, him and Gary were childhood friends." I replied.

"Yes, that's correct my boy. So, you're Mike. I see." He said.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you sir." I replied.

"Nice to meet you too. How's Ash and Serena?" he asked.

"Oh, they are fine." I replied.

"Ah, alright. That's a relief." He said. Wait what relief?

"Um, pardon me?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's continue your tour." He said, to which I made a small nod. I noticed some kind of facial expression changed on his face. It's kind of weird.

As we went inside the room, with a bog door, we saw a huge machine having a lot of piped and screens running and making a lot of sound.

"SO, STUDENTS! THIS IS THE CREATION THAT ME AND MY TEAM MADE. THE TIME AND PERIOD DILUTION HYBRID DEVICE!" Clemont sir said loudly since the machine was making a lot of noise.

"Damn, it's so huge." Avery whispered.

"Yeah, it is." I said still watching the huge machine.

'WHY IS IT MAKING SO MUCH SOUND?" A student asked.

"IT'S BECAUSE ROUTINE RUN THROUGH IS BEING TAKEN PLACE. JUST HOLD ON, I WILL TELL THEM TO STOP IT." He replied and messaged one of his workers there. Soon the machine started slowing down, and the loud noise became slower and slower. We all sighed in relief. It was really making a lot of noise.

"Alright, I guess, it's fine now. Now let's continue the tour. Alright students, let me tell you all about the machine." He said and started his briefing.


"And, this is how the machine works." Clemont sir ended. By the time he ended his briefing, I could literally see students really confused on what all space science he said.

"Any questions now?" he asked.

"Sir, how much time can anyone be in the past?" a student asked.

"Well, the answer is still unknown to us. But for our safety purposes, we take it as 10 minutes." He replied.

"And what happen, if the person cannot come back from the past?" another student asked.

"This answer is also unanswerable, but according to the calculations, if a person is not able to come back to the present, he might be stuck between the time period forever. We can't say anything." He replied. This answer gave some students chills, since knowing the fact that it's too risky to time travel.

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