Chapter 3

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Mike's POV

Leaves grow from the stem. In a plant, people say roots are the most important part of the plant, giving the most important support, but they didn't know, that leaves are also important. A plant can be taken out from the soil, but they will be always a part of the plant. Leaves have just support to them, and that is the stem.

The leaf is me, always attached to the stem. But now, the stem is gone. The people, who were the only support were now gone. The leaf is now alone, falling down, and soon will be no more.

I was just standing near mom and dad's grave, with an expressionless face. I was now dead inside. There was no me now. Avery was sobbing while holding my hands. Uncle Gary and Aunt Dawn were also standing with a face down.

The death ceremony was still going on. Almost every friend of dad and mom were there present including Dr Clemont. Everyone was going near the grave and kept a small flower on them.

Things have changed for me now. I guess, I am now unable to sense anything. I feel like my brain is now empty, and I am now just a breathing doll, alone.

I wanted to spend my time alone now.


Avery's POV

It was evening now. The ceremony had ended in the noon, and since then, Mike is not talking to anyone of us. Mom and Dad have decided that Mike will be now staying with us. This decision is unknown to him, but I don't have the courage to tell him this.

I don't know how it's going on with him. Losing Uncle and Aunty is painful for me also now. Whenever I go near the window, I see Mike's house where every morning Mike's mom give us a great goodbye before going to the school. Now this will not happen.

Tears started forming in my eyes again. I can't control myself. I can't stop thinking about them. I can't stop thinking about what Mike is going in through. As I was thinking about all of those things, mom called me.

"Avery, come here for a second." She said to which I nod and approached her.

"Have you told Mike about he will staying here from now on?" she asked.

"Um no." I replied.

"So, what are you waiting for? Go and tell him." She said.

"But mom, I... don't know... how to talk to him... in a situation like this." I replied.

"Avery listen, Ash uncle and Serena aunty are gone now. Mike is now feeling alone. It's now our job to make him recover. You are his best friend, and you can only talk to him now." She said.

"But mom, I don't know how to start." I replied.

"Avery, you have to do it. So, do it" she said, to which I made a small sigh. I know, we are now the one whom Mike have to trust. I have to do it.

I went to the guest room, where Mike was sitting on the bed.

"Mike?" I asked, but no reply.

"Mike?" I repeated, and this time, I tapped his shoulder, to which he woke up from his day dream with a shock.

"Oh! Ah, yes... Avery?" he asked.

"Um, mom and dad have decided that you will be now staying here." I replied.

"What?! No! I can't leave my home! Tell them I will be going back to my home now." He said, but with a high voice. I guess, I could feel, he was kind of pissed off and angry.

"What do you mean? How will you manage yourself alone? You need us!" I replied.

"I don't need anybody! Am going back by night. Tell uncle and aunty about this." He said, and this time, with more anger.

"I will not allow you to do this!" I replied.

"Avery leave me alone!" he said, with all of his anger out.

"But- "I was interrupted.

"LEAVE!" he replied. Tears formed in my eyes. He never acted like this to me, ever.

"ALRIGHT THEN! I WILL LEAVE!" I replied, with tears in my eyes and loud voice and left the room, and slammed the door hard.

Mike's POV

"ALRIGHT THEN! I WILL LEAVE!" Avery replied and left the room. She slammed the door with anger. I don't know why, but I was feeling more and more irritated now. I just lie on the bed. Tears started dropping from my eyes. Memories with mom and dad repeated in my brain.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Mike, it's me, your uncle. Can I come in?" Uncle Gary asked while knocking the door. I took a deep sigh, and wiped out my tears, and made my mind light and replied OK.

Uncle Gary entered, and as he entered, he saw me, and made a small smile. I tried to reply with a smile, but it was hard for me. He approached me, and sat beside me.

"So, how are you doing now?" he asked.

"Am now fine, I guess..." I replied.

"I saw Avery running to her room, with a sad face. Something happened between you?" he asked.

"Well, I guess, I talked with her angrily, so she got sad." I replied, while keeping my head low.

"Hmm, things like this happen when you are in a relationship." He said. Wait, what? Did he say relationship?

"Wait, how to you know Avery and me are in a relationship?" I asked.

"How do I know? I am way too older than you. What will you be expecting from me? Almost every love story happened in front of my eyes." He replied.

"Like?" I asked.

"Like, your mom and dad." He replied.

"Wait, really? Mom... and dad?" I asked.

"Yes of course. I still remember that time when we were at your age, and Ash met Serena for the first time, and had feelings for each other." He replied.

"Did dad... had to go through things to marry mom?" I asked.

"Yes, he had to go through many things. And the same was with your mom. Those were days, when there was no social media love... just pure love." He said. Pure... love?


It was midnight, and we all had our dinner. I agreed to stay here against my will, but I couldn't do anything. Avery was not talking to me for the whole time. Now I am feeling sleepy.

Thoughts of mom and dad are again and again coming in my mind. I closed my eyes, trying to forgot them, but the same was happening again and again. This was giving me heat pain. I was not even there with them. My heart was paining more and more now.

Suddenly, a face came in my mind. He was a guy, wearing a white lab coat and specs.

He felt like... Dr Clemont.

Dr Clemont...!



STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY! (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ(*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ

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-Miheer ˋ (° ▽、°) ˋ (° ▽、°)


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