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"Meredith..." Derek shook her lightly, trying to get her to wake up. It sucked that he had to go to work. Royally sucked, because he wanted to spend the day with her and instead he would have to spend the day at the hospital. So he wanted to wake her up to spend as much time as possible with her before he had to leave.

"Hmm?" She moaned, crinkling her nose a little as she kept her eyes closed.

"It's time to wake up." He whispered, kissing her on the cheek.

"What time is it?" She asked.


"In the morning?" She asked, her eyes opening a little.

"I have to be at work at eight." He replied.

"Oh...I'm sorry...." She opened her eyes, rubbing them a little. "I should have gone home and..."

"No, definitely not. I haven't slept that well in a long time."

"Oh, okay." She smiled a little, his arms moving around her.

"Do you want breakfast or is it too early?" He asked, giving her a kiss.

"Too early."


"Coffee is good."

"I'll put a pot on." He kissed her again before getting up.

"Okay." She whispered, sitting up in the bed, before following him out.

"You could have stayed in bed." Derek said, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"But I didn't." She crossed her arms, covering her bra.

"Do you want a robe?"

"Oh...I can grab my clothes." Meredith replied, walking up to him.

"No...put my robe on. It's in the closet."
"Fine." She sighed, walking to the closet to retrieve the navy blue robe.

"That might be the sexiest thing ever." Derek laughed.

"What?" She smiled a little walking over to him before trying the robe.

"You in my robe."

"Ohh...." She breathed, her hands moving to his sides.

"If you keep doing that, I'm never going to make it to work."


"Don't say you're sorry."

"But I'm making you late."

"It's quarter of seven. I don't have to be at work until eight."

"But you said...."

"I don't have to leave for 45 minutes."


"Plenty of time for...things."

"Things?" She cocked an eye brow.

"Cuddling. Kissing."


"Yes, cuddling. Do you not like cuddling?"

"I've never cuddled."

"What do you think we were doing last night?"

"Well...we were doing a lot last night." Meredith breathed, as he took her hand.

"Well, when we were lying in bed, and you were falling asleep, that was cuddling." Derek laughed.

"Oh...." She replied, taking his other hand and walking backwards towards the bedroom.

"I thought you wanted coffee." He smiled.

"I can think of something else." She replied, slowly opening the robe.

"Oh really?" He smirked, letting her pull him onto the bed.

"Yep." She replied, tossing the rob aside.

"Hmm...Like what?" He kissed her stomach and around her belly button.

"Things...." She breathed, arching her body up at him. "Naked things...."

"Wait...the coffee is going to burn." He said, getting up from the bed and going into the kitchen to turn the coffee off.

"But you just started it." Meredith called after him.

"Yeah but it we...it'll burn."

"Okay." She breathed as he came in, smiling as he came to the bed.

"What are you doing today?" He asked, putting his hands on her waist as she sat on the side of the bed.

"Laundry, grocery...." She listed as she moved to run a finger over his hair before kissing his lips.

"Hmm...sounds fun."

"Hmm....fun is good." She breathed, pushing him back on thebed.

"Mer...I have to work...Can we just...Let's cuddle."

"Real quick...." She giggled, reaching for the hem of his shirt.

"I have to work soon..." He groaned, letting her take off his shirt.

"This could be quick."

"I don't want quick...I want slow." He smirked.

"We can do slow..." She mumbled, nipping at his ear.

"But I have to go to work..."

"Derek...." Meredith giggled.

"I can come over tonight...I just...I don't have time, Mer." He groaned.

"Shh...." She kissed his lips.

"I have to get dressed for work...and you...somebody called you last night, you should call them back." He said, between kisses.


"Your phone rang last night. Why don't you call them back while I get dressed and then we'll just lie together for a little while before I have to leave."

"I...that's none of your business." Meredith groaned, getting up from the bed.

""You can just do it...call whoever...while I get dressed and then we can have coffee or cuddle or something for a few minutes before I have to go." Derek repeated, pulling on a clean shirt and starting to button it.

"Whatever." Meredith rolled her eyes, pulling her jeans on and turning on her phone. "I'm leaving."

"Meredith...Stop." Derek said, walking over to her.

"It's none of your business who calls me phone and whether or not I call them back." Meredith replied, pulling shirt over, and quickly buttoning it.

"I didn't mean to make you angry or boss you around. I was just...I'm sorry."

"Yeah." Meredith sighed, walking into the kitchen area as she reached for her purse. "Have a good day at work."

"Meredith..." Derek groaned, following her into the kitchen.

"I have to do laundry." She replied, as her phone repetively beeped of voicemail and missed call alerts.

"Okay. I'll call you tonight." He leaned over and tried to kiss her.

"Okay." She moved, letting him kiss her cheek.

"I'm sorry." He said, as she opened the door to the trailer.

"It's fine." She groaned, opening her car door and throwing the damn phone into the back seat before sitting in the front seat.

She had stormed out, slammed the door to the trailer and then to her car, before quickly driving away. Derek, in all honesty, had no idea what was wrong. She had tried to have sex with him and he had stopped her, because he really did need to get to work. But that couldn't have been what made her upset. The night before when her phone rang, her whole demeanor had changed, and Derek had a sneaking suspicion that whoever was calling was part of the reason so was so resistant to relationships and to opening up to people.

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