Chapter 29.

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Top pics are the luxury maternity room Alesha is flown to with her babies and mates'.

Alesha's POV

I slept for the journey so I had no idea where we were going I hope home but with my babies I suspect a hospital. I dozed off wrapped in Lucas's arms Liam cooing over his babies meanwhile, I was happy they were no longer upset with me, and that they wanted our babies.

"I woke up with whispering and a pressure on my stomach I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut the lights were dimmed "thanks" I whispered as I came around I realised the pressure I was feeling was jazzy lying on me. My smile reflected hers "Hey Jazzy you ok? I missed you." "I know" everyone laughed I realised Christina and Lance along with dad and my mates' were all in some grand hospital room. I almost jumped when someone came up next to me but calmed down when it was only a nurse smiling politely at me. "How are you feeling baby?" I sat up as jazzy ran off to my left my babies lay in their Moses basket. "Our daughter she was born earlier than she should've isn't she supposed to go to the neonatal unit. She's premature isn't she." Battling exhaustion plus I was worried for my baby. "Your highness I would like to put your worries to rest Yes your daughter was born prematurely but she is a healthy enough weight to not need the neonatal unit. She weighs 4lbs whereas your son weighs 6lbs 2ounces. They are perfectly healthy even considering you never had any pre-natal supplements." Liam sat beside me wiping away my tears and kissing my head. "HEY how come you had babies?" I shushed Jazzy "um I was gifted the babies by the Moon Goddess she put your niece and nephew in my tummy." "I can't be an auntie I'm only four." "Jazzy don't worry you'll be great you know your brothers Auntie is only four years older than them too." Christina knelt down to console a bad tempered jazzy. I hope she does learn to bond with them in the future.

Our family left us alone my boobs ached and I finally felt ready to feed my babies I sat back up. "Lucas, Liam can you give me the babies I need to feed them. They got up from their chairs Liam was holding Rein and Lucas held Daniel. I unhooked my nightdress straps I changed as soon as our family left. "Liam pass me the two pillows and put them on my lap spread out." He nodded and carefully put Rein into my left arm I lifted my arm up to let him put the pillows under. Lucas put Daniel into my right arm but I struggled to get them to latch on so I decided it'd try getting one on then the other I set Daniel on the pillow on my lap and fixed myself and winced at the uncomfortable feeling but at least Rein was beginning to feed. I glanced at my mates' who's lustful gazes stared at my chest. Once I had Daniel back in my right arm I moved his mouth around and he latched on I lay back and closed my eyes after the initial pain I felt relief in my chest. I looked up hearing two husky groans I rolled my eyes. "Seriously go into the other room I'm feeding our babies here they need it more than you horny wolves." I smile and they went into the closed off seating area sliding the doors across.
I lean down and kiss my newborns their baby scent comforting both Pearl and I. Pearl was slowly becoming more prevalent but I couldn't talk to her yet whatever they had given me all those months ago sure took a long time to wear off.

I had winded my babies and fixed my gown up again before telling my mates' to come back in. Sadie my nurse knocked the door before coming in "how are you doing Your highness?" "Tired a little sore below but other than that I feel good considering." "Good a warm bath might help with the pain of course if you ever feel very uncomfortable let me know we'll prescribe you some pain relief. Did you want to breastfeed or bottle feed." "Oh I just fed them I think I'll stick to breastfeeding for now. Um could I get something to eat I'm actually hungry I went into labour before we were usually fed dinner." "Of course your highness I'll grab you a menu. Would you like any help to the bath or can you manage." "I think I'll manage." I smiled politely and Sadie smiled in response nodding her head and leaving I swung my legs over the bed and Liam helped me up. I looked over at the babies not wanting to leave them I've become attached to them. To my surprise they didn't cry much like I thought all newborns did but I shouldn't jinx it.
"Need any help baby?" Liam wiggled his eyes suggestively I narrowed my eyes at him "I'VE just given birth no more sex you both stay with the babies I want some time to myself" and walk away from their pouty faces. The bathroom had low lighting very relaxing the lights even changed colours automatically. The bath itself was something like a hot tub. I set the right temperature and found the bubbles as I took off my dress and stepped into the water sliding into its embracing warmth it's out a pleasurable sigh and shut my eyes. The pain below numbing in the warm water.

I enjoyed it so much until Liam poked his head around and I heard crying and a panicking Lucas trying to shoosh them. "Um baby I hate to take you away from your me time but the babies are crying." I roll my eyes "Yes I can hear that sooth them." "We've tried they won't stop crying what do we do?" He asks me why because I'm a woman "I don't know do they need changed?" I asked he shifted his head and shouted to Lucas "check if they need changed." "HOW DO I DO THAT!" "Um how do we check baby." "Errgghh I'm coming you two are going to learn so much I'm not changing them all the time you will share the role." I got out and Liam licked his lips I wrapped the towel around me tying it in a knot and walked out to horrendous screaming.

"Angel meow" "oh stop it, right you both watch and learn then the next time you will both know how to do this. So you pull the tabs off, careful with our son he might pee at us so we put a cloth over his little 'hose' area. Then with one finger we hold it down and lift both legs up then you wipe and put cream on his bottom. Before using a clean nappy (diaper) bigger side goes on their back end ok. Right now we clean his front and now we pull the tabs over the front and voila. Now you do Rein she'll be easier to clean no risk of getting peed on." I stepped back and Liam scrunched up his nose "oh God What's that smell, she only had milk no I can't your turn bro." I rolled my eyes "while you two figure it out I'm going to change."
I came out in a purple and lace strap night dress I put nipple pads in the cup areas so I wouldn't leak and came out my mates' were still changing Rein who was annoyed and started crying because they took too long. "Oh ah angel the tabs thingies keep ripping off." "Probably because your tugging them too hard give me before you upset my little girl further." They quickly stepped back and I placed her clean nappy back on and buttoned her vest and placed her legs back into her white onesie with grey elephants on it once I buttoned the side of it up I picked up my traumatised baby and shooshed her rocking her in my arms as I bent down to kiss her head. "Did your daddy's take forever changing you, I bet you were cold huh, now you go and keep your brother company baby." I placed her next to her brother and he put his left arm on her blanket checking she was there. My mates' smiled at their sibling love.
"Oh your highness I've got your menu your all welcome to choose what you want and write down your choices below if there's nothing else I'll leave you to it, when your done you can ring this bell." Sadie pointed to the bell button on the bed. I smiled and thanked her before she left. "So what are you for ordering Angel?" There was mostly fancy food I didn't know how to pronounce so I went for one of my favourites "Spaghetti bolognas what will you guys get?" "Steak tartar" I giggled they said it at the same time. "Mum will be up later her and dad mainly mum went on a shopping spree for our unexpected little ones. She said she'll bring up outfits for yourself and the twins. She showed us some pictures of car seats so dad will bring them up later. Your dad went with them to help move baby furniture my parents like him a whole lot better than your step-dad." Definitely agree there, I then rang the bell and a few minutes later Sadie turned up and took our orders she complimented me as spaghetti bolognas is actually good for breastfeeding.

During our dinner the twins needed fed so Liam took away my tray whilst Lucas picked them up and gently placed them in my arms Liam undid my straps and Rein took a little longer to latch on but they were both drinking within ten minutes. I'm glad they wanted feeding at the same time so at least there's that. Rein being the smaller baby finished first and I asked Liam to wind her which confused him. "Hold the bottom of her head and gently rub and pat her back until she either burps or you know let's off gas." "Girls do that?" I rolled my eyes "of course girls do that most of us just don't like doing it in front of our partners." Lucas watched his brother and Daniel was finished now so I did back up my dress and winded Daniel gently on my shoulder. Lucas then took him in his arms bouncing him gently and I finished my cold food.

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