Chapter 6.

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Alesha's art studio picture portrait of Alesha and Jasmines mother on the left and Alesha's sketch of the Queen. Song Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill.

Alesha's POV

The King was keen to see what my father had done what progress if any he's made if they believed me they would know he hasn't done a single thing since mum died. I had his office organised and tidy my dad never organised so he was shocked and irritated because he couldn't find anything unlike me I knew where everything was it was all in order finances organised both on his computer and filing cabinet. The Queen took my arm "let's leave your father to stew I'd love for you to show me around ladies where's you favourite places around here?" Jazzy jumped at the chance "OH, OH I show you Luna." Jazzy wasn't being disrespectful calling her Luna because she could never pronounce Queen it was Sleen to her or your majesty was too long winded so when she figured out the Queen was a Luna as well she was decidedly going to call her that because at least she could say it.
I followed causally as the Queen giggled at this excited kid tugging her along we went into the woods were we'd practice our powers also the memorial sight I made for mum. "My best place is here mummy's here always look mummy, Luna." Jazzy pointed to my ice sculpture. The Queen had a mixture of expressions happy for Jazzy but also a bittersweet look because the person Jazzy will always love and not know much about is her mother and she's dead. "Wow your mummy is beautiful and who made this it's remarkable." Jazzy pointed to me the Queen looked utterly amazed "you made this it's beautiful and realistic." I sheepishly smiled in gratitude "thank you your majesty like I wrote in the letter I'm a Phoenix but my powers are to create snow and ice and I can manipulate them how I want so it wasn't too difficult I'll never forget our mother she was a friend and a dotting mother, we'll always love her huh Jazzy." Jazzy nodded her head frantically agreeing.
After a short while the Queen asked me where my favourite place was if it was different from here. So I walked her to my studio. "Mum made dad instal this for me as a birthday present when I was sixteen and I got Pearl my Phoenix for the first time." I opened the door and the Queen walked into my studio. "I take it you love to paint Alesha." "Yes your majesty I love to sketch and paint." She then spots our mums picture hanging above my desk. "That's your mother isn't it?" I sadly nod my head. "Yes that's who I created in the ice too." "What was her name if you don't mind me asking?" "I don't, her name was Coleen Rosá Vázquez before she married our father that is." A sympathetic smile adorned her face "Well saying as we're here I think we should draw something what do you ladies think?" Jazzy immediately screamed yes and went to her table to colour I took out two sketch books and gave the Queen one I haven't used yet. "I used to love doodling I wouldn't call myself an artist by any means this is going to be fun." We all sat at the same table Jazzy sat next to the Queen and I sat opposite on the large picnic bench.
The King came in alone and sat beside his wife I wanted to sketch the Queen it took me a minute to decide what to draw I just hope she likes it.
We waited for Jazzy to finish and then we all set our drawings down so we could see everyone's. Jazzy tried to draw One of Sky's feathers not bad for a four year old who uses colouring books. The Queen drew two white wolves I felt drawn to. "Wow OMG that's me you sketched me Alesha." "Alesha you've captured my wife's beauty wonderfully and Jazzy that must be Sky's feather." The King complimented his wife I blushed and looked away I felt like I was entruding a private moment. "Our boys look good love" their boys oh the Princes those wolves must be of their sons. "Your majesty they're really realistic and incredible." I know it's only a sketch but it was pulling me in, in the picture the two wolves were hunting a deer. "Aww thank you so much Alesha but I'm afraid it doesn't do them justice in fact we have a ball coming up which all Alphas and their mates are invited to why don't you and Jazzy accompany your father I'm sure he'd welcome the company." I wince my dad like my company hardly. "Thank you your majesty but I doubt our dad would let me to tag along, but I'm sure Jazzy will have a great time getting to meet your sons and dressing up just like Cinderella huh sis." "EEEEEHHHHHHH PRINCESS, PRINCESS." I giggle at her dancing self. "Well I'm sure your father would love both his daughters to come I will expect you there anyway Alesha your my guest plus I'll have two ladies to talk to I mean some of these Luna's are so petty so if your father doesn't like it tough your 18 I hear so your old enough to make your own decisions and for what it's worth I understand how you feel, my father never appreciated me either so I can relate sweetie." She's so nice just like mum no don't cry, I clear my throat holding back my emotions "thank you well I can't let you down now can I?" "No you can't, good now that's sorted dinner time." I exit after them the King pulls me to the side "Alesha I'm presenting a present to my wife on the ball as an early birthday present I'd love it if you would paint her portrait large enough for our room." This was a huge honour "are you sure Your majesty I'm not a recognised Artist." He waves my insecurities off. "After looking at your sketch and seeing your painted portraits I have no doubt I'd like you to paint my wife's portrait. Can you paint her from this picture?" I took the picture the Queen was sitting leaning on a surface wearing a leather type jacket. "Yes sir its a beautiful picture of the Queen." I wasn't just saying that I meant it, it was a natural casual style pose.
The King even paid me for it I can't even comprehend he handed me a wad of cash he didn't even count it out and told me to keep it I What, I thanked him. I let Jazzy go in with the King and Queen for dinner I already knew I wasn't welcome I never am at dinner time so I go into the woods to hunt for my dinner.

Queen Christina's POV

I sat at the top o the table confused and pissed off why was only Jasmine here I asked Jasmine sorry Jazzy straight out. "Jazzy where's your sister surely she knows what time it is." The little girl looked to her father I already didn't like that. "Sissy always hunts for her dinner, daddy not like her eat with me." She plays with her food not eating she clearly unhappy her sister is excluded from meal times with her. I'm furious I nod as my husband vents his anger to this pathetic Alpha. "Firstly you have no idea what your pack's up too, no idea where your paper work is and NOW YOU TREAT YOUR ELDEST DAUGHTER LIKE A RAT, HHMMMPPPPHHHH EVEN YOUR OMEGAS ARE ALLOWED TO SIT WITH US. WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU? WHO DOES THAT you don't deserve your children and I'm really struggling calling you an Alpha." My husband might have been feeding off my energy and emotions as he bellowed the truth to this disgusting man. I had to speak up for Alesha "Alpha Daxon your daughter though you refuse to see it, is an amazingly bright and caring young woman no doubt down to her mother's grace and beauty but you can't see what is in front of you. Your daughter sent us a message and it broke me to tears. She was calling out for help, help her father should've given her and her father shouldn't have even put his daughter in that helpless position without any form of training. You are a lazy, vulgar father and my husband is right you don't deserve your lighter than life gorgeous girls, you should be ashamed of yourself degrading Alesha, your mate would be turning in her grave if she could see what you've become and done to her child." I stormed away from the table "Jazzy sweetie join me we'll go find your sister and eat elsewhere." I held out my hand and her tiny hand found mine my husband took my right hand and we left to find Alesha.

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