Game Show Island Walkthrough

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In Game Show Island, you are a human far in the future, where the robots, led by the supercomputer Holmes, have taken over. Humans now serve the robots and have no hope for the future. You first have to solve some puzzles and quests in the starting zone, and then you travel to other zones where you solve more puzzles and earn tickets to compete against robots on different game shows. The goal is to win all the game shows and restore confidence and hope to humanity so that they can rise once again and stop the robots once and for all.

Part 1: Game Show Island

Go to Game Show Island if you’re not yet there. Go left, and bounce on the bouncy roof of Robo-Bling Boutique. Once at the roof, you will see a red toolkit. Grab it, and go back down. Go left, and go inside a building titled The Factory. Go up, and find the Crane.

Press the little green “Up” button. Make it a reasonable height;you’re Poptropican must be able to jump onto it. Keep on making it go up, and alternating sides to make it go up. When you finally get to the top, go left, and click on the computer with the glowing red dot.

Your Poptropican will put in a code onto the computer, and an obstacle blocking a passage will open. Go through it, and use you’re toolkit. With you’re screwdriver, click and hold on each of the screws, and turn left. Then, choose the option that is to the top left. Then, one of the workers will give you an electric fan. Go outside, and all the way to the right. As you try to enter Club Noveau Riche, a giant gold robot will tell you to fix the AC.

Go inside, and talk to the owner. He’s a weird disco-looking robot.

Once again, eyes closed! Anyway, he’ll tell you to cool him off. So take out your electric fan, and fan him. Then, he’ll give you a quarter that says “In Holmes we trust.” This is because the robots are all following a rogue robot, Holmes. D: With your nickel, exit the club, and go all the way left. You’ll see a homeless Poptropican. Give him the nickel. And in return, he’ll give you some heat vision goggles. Go back to the club, and out on the goggles. You’ll see someone go up a shaft. Follow them by going outside and finding this window.

Go inside by using your toolkit. The Inventor will not believe you went in. As he runs away, he will activate a mini obstacle course. Go to the highest floor, and push the record player onto the little elevator thingy. It’ll go down. You go down too, and try going right. The Inventor will drop this ball thingy on you, and you’ll fall.

Go right, to get up to the Inventor. Make sure you get to spot with a door.

Click on the little pass code thingy, and put on your heat vision goggles. The code is 2014. Go in the door, and then the Inventor will explain to you the truth. Apparently, Holmes’s programming went wrong. And that’s why he wants you to take over the world. You’ll get a helicopter, and time for game shows! Use your Jet Remote Control.

Part 2: Game Shows

Note: These can be done in a different order. But I’m doing it in the order it is in.


Land in Istanbul, and go right. When you see a sign saying “Site under repair. Do not pass!”, go ahead and pass. Talk to the guy that looks like a construction worker.

Okay, you have to move the second to the fourth. And each piece can only go on something heavier than itself. Piece 1 is the blue one on top, piece two is the long gold one, piece 3 is the beige one, and piece 4 is the gold heavy one, at the bottom. First, put piece 1 on the third base. Then piece 2 on the fourth base. Then pick up piece 1 and put it on top of piece 2. 

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