The Affair

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Chapter 7- The Affair

Jonas' P.O.V.

           I had to take a break from the pack. By having my two favorite people almost getting hurt put too much stress on me. Caleb told me to take a vacation when she figured out what was wrong. I chose to the beautiful Pearl City, Hawaii. I thought it was going to be a great time, but it wasn't.
          The first day I was there was good, but I was too tired to actually experience. That night I went to bed and dreamt of having Caleb with me to keep me company. As soon as the morning sun filled my room, I was off to a busy day.
          The day started off with shopping and learning the surroundings of me. It was so beautiful; it would be perfect if Caleb was with me. I went to look for sunglasses to shade my eyes, but I then saw a dance club. I knew I would have to go there tonight to relieve the rest of my stress. I had to get an outfit just for tonight. I went to a clothing store to look for the best outfit. Once I found the outfit, it was already 6:30.
          I got to my hotel room at about 6:45 and I started to get ready to go to the dance club. I was taking a shower while listening to my IPod. My second favorite song came on, and I started to blurt out the lyrics. Once I finished my shower it was time for me to get dressed for the club. I wore neon green jeans, a black wife beater, and electric blue Nike 6.0 Hi-tops. All I had left to do was put on my green, blue, and black flat brimmed hat and my Axe. I was all ready to go and I looked good.
          I got to the club at 7 and started to dance with a pretty girl. She was tall, tan, and had black hair. In her bangs, she had a green highlight to make her eyes pop. Her eyes were a grey green color with blue eye makeup. She was skinny with short shorts and a spaghetti tank top. She had green converse with purple laces. It wasn't like I would imprint on her because I already re-imprinted. I knew better not to get serious with this girl because I would be leaving tomorrow. Caleb said that I could dance with people, but as long as I don't bring them home I'm good.
          After a few songs, we got thirsty so I went to get us drinks. I wanted a Miami Vice, so I got one for each of us. I guess I was thirstier than I thought. Eventually I became a little too drunk, so I got banded from having alcoholic drinks.
          At about 1:30 I took the girl with me to my hotel room. I didn't know what I was doing because my mind was so out of it. We started to drink some more before curling up with each other. I had her wrapped around in my arms when we started to make out. We quickly became too intimate with each other, and it felt like the right mood to do something I have only done twice. Once we finished, we passed right out.
          In the morning when I woke up, I had such a bad hangover. I had to bolt to the bathroom and hurl up everything that was in my stomach. I decided to take a cold shower to bring the nasty feeling down some. I know that it wouldn't really help, but my body was burning. I went out and realized the girl was still sleeping, so I made some breakfast. I needed to get food in my empty stomach before I got sick.
          Finally my mind got back to normal. It struck me so hard; I almost fell to the ground. I realized I had an affair. I felt so bad, and I started to flip out. I went into the bedroom in a rush and looked for a crucial thing. I needed to see an opened box of condoms or a package from the club. The last place I looked was under the bed. Thank God- I didn't forget the most important thing ever. I know I would have to explain to Caleb, but I had to get this girl up. I didn't even know her name, and yet I had an affair with her.
           The girl from last night finally woke up and wanted some food. So naturally I cooked her egg, bacon, and toast breakfast. She finally spoke and said, "We don't even know each other's name, but yet we did that thing last night. I'm Emily. Emily Stratford. What's your name?"
"Well, I'm Jonas. Jonas Scottsdale. Not to be a jerk, but you have to leave now. I have to pack to go back to my hometown. My flight leaves at noon."
            "It's okay, I'll come with you. I don't care. I like you a lot. I know what you are. I'm a werewolf too. I just didn't imprint on you though." Emily looked so hopeful and optimistic. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I had Caleb.
          "I'm sorry, but I have my own pack and I'm the alpha you can't come with me. I have already imprinted on somebody, and I have to get back to them.  I didn't mean for you to find a liking to me. I'm sorry that we did what we did last night, but I was too drunk to know what I was doing." I said this and started to pack so she would know I was serious about leaving. I felt bad, but I would have to put up with hell when I get home.
           Emily started to get her very few things and leave. Before she shut the door she said, "Thanks anyways. You're a nice guy too. I'm sure the person you imprinted on is in complete love with you. Bye thank you for being nice. You're not like other guys I've met."
          I finished packing and ate lunch. I got to the airport just in time. On the flight home, I was thinking about everything and fell asleep. Caleb was there waiting for me. I could tell she was mad, but she also had an understanding feeling too. She wasn't as mad as I thought she would be. I walked up to her slowly to take my time and figure out what to say. Once I reached her, she hugged me and gave me a long passionate kiss. I felt much better after this had happened.
           She quietly whispered in my ear, "I'm not mad because you had an affair, I'm mad because you got too drunk to think. I understand that you had intercourse because you were over-drunk. I know that you would never do that to me if you weren't drunk. I love you."
           Surprisingly, the next few weeks were good, but then it took a turn for chaos.

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