My First Dream About Him

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Chapter 1- My First Dream About Him

          I didn't know what to think after I awoke that morning. I had this dream that was so vivid. It almost seemed like it was going to become my future. I dreamed about this person I know so well. I remember every little detail about what happened. It was like the way the movies always show it; the romance, but more action than usual. There is no way to describe how it made me feel. It was so wondrous; I believe that one day it will come true.

          When I told my sister, she said that it was too far of a dream to ever come true. I replied, "Star, you don't understand. It felt like I was actually experiencing it."

         All I heard was, "It's called over-dreaming. Everyone feels that a dream was real once in a blue moon." Hearing this comment just made me draw a blank. It felt like everything in my body froze. Star tried to get my attention, but it just wouldn't work. I was a statue in the middle of New York City; everything was moving so fast when I was moving slow.

          I tried to forget about the dream but it was humanly impossible. Everywhere I looked, something reminded me of it. If I looked to the left- I saw a dog. If I looked to the right- I see that angelic face of his wanting me. I felt like I was trapped in the dream and unable to get out. I know I could only tell one other person about this dream. That person is Samantha. She is a very close friend of mine, but did I wasn't to feel embarrassed over nothing? I couldn't decide if I should tell her or not. I said, "I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to laugh or tell anyone. You also have to swear on my life."

           She said at attention, "I will listen and not break this promise. I swear on your life that I will not tell anyone or laugh at you."

          Then I told her the most life changing dream I have ever had.

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