The Voices

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Chapter 3- The Voices

          After I was finished explaining the dream to Samantha, we went on our usual walk. The walk that goes by Trinity Church Cemetery and the street I dreamed about.

         I usually don't pay attention to the cemetery, but today something was different. It sounded like people were gathered in it and talking like nothing was wrong. I looked all around to see where the voices were coming from. Sam looked at me with deep concern and said, "Caleb, are you okay?  

        You look sad and worried." I responded with, "You don't hear those voices? They are screaming like they are at a party."

          Sam pulled me away from the cemetery by my arm. She asked me if anyone in my family was buried there. I said, "No. well not that I know of." The next thing I heard changed my life. "Caleb, I think you have a supernatural talent. I think you're hearing the spirits that are in that cemetery." I went into a deep thought. Maybe it was true that I had a talent that not many people had. It could be the beginning to a new way of life for me. It could be possible that God gave me this so-called power because he thought I can handle it.

          Walking on the dreamt of street was awkward for me, but I sucked it up. I saw that Jonas wasn't home so I became relieved. Sam and I walked all the way to our usual hangout place- the gazebo. I saw that Jonas was working at the police station. When he usually is, I act more mature than I usually act. Today I didn't care how I acted; I only cared about talking to Jonas. When I go and talk to Jonas, Sam stays away because she respects our privacy. Just like everything else, I didn't care today. I said that she could go over with me. I knew that Jonas wouldn't care either.

          Finally, when Jonas came out I went over to him and started a conversation. "Hey Caleb, how's it going?"

         "It's okay, but I could do better."

         Jonas became concerned, so he asked, "What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." I didn't know if I wanted to tell him, but when I looked into his bright blue eyes I knew what I had to do.

        "I was taking a walk before, and I heard voices coming from the Trinity Church Cemetery. I don't know if I was imagining things or not, but it freaked me out."

        "I know what you're going through. I went through it before too. It's nothing to be concerned about. You get used to it after a while. The one bad thing though is that if you ever here a demonic voice, get away from the cemetery."

         I became very concerned about the last sentence. I heard the demonic voice today. I want to know why it's a bad thing. So I casually ask, "If you hear the demonic voice, what does that mean?"

         Trying not to scare me, Jonas said, "It means there is a spirit that will haunt you if you don't leave quickly. If it haunts you, it will do harmful and horrible things to you."

While I was thinking what to say next, I started to shake. I wanted to ask what horrible and harmful things would happen, but I couldn't find it in me to ask. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I became startled. I jerk out of my blank stare and realized it was only Jonas.

        "I have to go, but I'll talk to you later. Peace! Stay safe." Those were the last words Jonas said to me before he left to go home. 

       Sam and I went to get pizza, and there I felt something inside of me stir. I started to feel stronger than I actually was. That night, I found out what I really was, and it changed my life forever.

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