Our Little Family

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Our Little Family

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                I never knew a pure bred werewolf would grow so fast. After Joshua was a week old, he was already acting like a teenager. An over-hormonal teenager that was hungry for girls. Everywhere that we went he would be staring at girl’s asses, and from that got hard tacos. He always felt embarrassed when he was talking to girls and his urges came on or if I caught him.

                There was this one girl that he talked to who I knew was his mate. Her name was Kayla. She had brown eyes with a spec of hazel in them. She had straight brown hair that went to the middle of her back. She was a little shorter than Josh, but was the right height. She was a skinny girl, but had all muscle on her. When she would walk, Josh became mesmerized at her figure. It was perfect for Josh. It was everything for him, even pure bred werewolf too. She was in the most allied pack with mine. Her parents are like family to me. Her dad was Jeff, and her mom was Selena. In a wrap, Kayla was all Josh needed to be in love with instead of being the player he was.

                Yes Josh was a player, but it would soon be stopped. I told Kayla’s parents about what would happen, so we decided that we wanted it to go by faster. I know it is like forced dating, but we were only going to have dinner with them. The way Caleb was, she would have made a seating chart, and that’s exactly what she did. On the ends of the table were Caleb and I; on one side of the table were Selena and Kayla. Finally on the other side were Josh and Jeff. Jeff was across from Selena, so Josh was forced to sit across from Kayla. I told the Bangor family to wear formal attire as to warn them we were going to a restaurant that we rented out. Of course, Caleb was mega happy about wearing formal attire.

                “YAY! Honey, I’m going to pick out your outfit, and you will help me get dressed and decide my dress!!!” Caleb just couldn’t hold back her happiness. Since Caleb said that I would help her with her outfit, I started to like the idea. Caleb picked out my blue button up shirt that I only wore to the Red, White, and Blue Mass*** Then she picked out my black dress pants that I also wear to that. She just had to make me wear a tie that set off the color of my eyes. It was a dark green and red plaid tie that was a little too long for my torso. I hated it when she made me wear a tie; it made me feel like I was a monkey that was torture. Ties just affect how easily my wolf is contained. It makes it harder not to shift.

                I got dressed into my clothes and stupid tie, and then called for Caleb to come into the bedroom with me. I picked out my favorite dress for Caleb. It was plain black with a bow going right around the bottom of her breasts. When she was standing, the dress went to right above her knees with a wavy style. The best part though was when she sat; the dress would go to the very bottom of her ass. I loved that for when she sat on my lap. I turned me on just thinking about it.  I then chose her green stilettos that made her 5 inches taller.

Then the fun part came- helping her get into the dress and shoes. She needed me to tie the bow in the back so it would look presentable. After I tied her bow, I slid my hands down to her ass and squeezed. She jumped into my arms because she became somewhat startled from my firm squeezing. Caleb couldn’t reach the shoes because she had messed up her back trying to give Josh a bath.  I had to bend down and slid the shoes on for her. I went to look up into her eyes, but instead I got a view of something else. I saw her Hello Kitty underwear. I felt my hand slowly going towards her core, but it got slapped away when Josh walked into the room. We saw that Josh had basically the same thing as me on, but instead of a blue shirt he had a green shirt.

“Dad! You’re nasty! I can’t believe what I just saw- why were you trying to get into mom’s underwear!” Josh tried to say this with a straight face, but failed horribly by the end.

I just started to get hot and felt a huge blush go up onto my face. I had to get out of the position I was in, so I stood up and straightened my clothes. With that, I said, “Alright, let’s go to the restaurant now.” After 10 minutes, we arrived to the restaurant.


Author's Note- The Red, White, and Blue Mass is a mass that is held right near Veteran's Day to remember all the heros in our lives. (police, firemen, or military). This mass is very close to me because i have multiple of family members that are in the fire department, and a few in the military. My sister was in the military for the past 5 yeaqrs, but i never met my Uncle David who was killed in the Vietnam War. Please don't think that the mass is corny. Later on, there will be a chapter all about the mass. Thanks.

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