I Thought I Was Drama Free

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I Thought I Was Drama Free

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                When my brother pulled me into the house after I proposed to Caleb crying, I knew something was wrong. The only time he really cries is when something is extremely bad. When the words he said left his mouth, I felt so many emotions pass through me. First I felt really sorry, then aggravated, then pissed, then disobeyed, and then finally hatred.

                “Mikeala. She.. she… she left me.” Blackbelt burst into even more tears and slid to the ground. I sat down next to him and told him to tell me everything.

                “I went to give her a hug and kiss her, and then she flipped out on me. She explained to me that it’s wrong that we imprinted on each other because I’m technically her uncle. She then said she lost complete interest in me and didn’t want me in her life anymore. I asked why, and she said she found someone who is better and not be ashamed of being seen together with. She said she is going to a different pack and is going to become the alpha female in a few weeks. Bro, I can’t handle this. My heart was torn out of my body. She was the one I gave everything to. I’m going to go in my room, but I thought you needed to know.”

                “Alright bro. I’ll check on you after. Do you want anything right now?” He nodded his head “no” and sulked off to his room. Caleb was just standing there with a blank expression on her face, but it instantly turned into anger. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to Mikeala’s room. We walked in on Mikeala packing her stuff. I walked over and took her suitcase and threw it to the ground.


                “What does it look like, dad? I’m moving out to go live with my boyfriend. I’m going to go to his pack and become the alpha female in a few weeks. Now let me pack my things.”

                “YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE LIKE NOTHING IS WRONG. YOU DON’T KNOW WHA YOU’RE DOING!” I was beyond pissed and I knew Caleb could tell. She stepped over to me and put her arms around my right arm. She also positioned herself so she was between Mikeala and me.

                “Dad, you can’t tell me what to do. I already made up my mind, and you can’t change it. I’m going to go live with Dan and actually be happy. It’s going to be the life I never had- the one you prevented me from. I’ll actually be able to live a normal life with my boyfriend and not be ashamed of him. So if you don’t mind, get out of my room so I can finish packing.”

                When she finished that sentence, a teenage boy I have never seen before came through the window. He only had on a pair of jean shorts. He was about 5’ 9” with short, black hair, blue eyes, a 6-pack, and a punk ass smile on his face. As soon as he saw me, he went to go back out the window but I was too quick for him. I tackled him to the ground and got on top of him; holding his arms down the entire time and placed my right knee onto his abdomen with my left leg supporting me on the ground. He started to raise his left leg and try to hit me in my family jewels, but I jumped up and slammed him against the wall. I had one hand on his forehead holding his head back, my other arm across his shoulders, one leg crossing his right leg, and then my other leg stepping on his left foot.

                I turned my head to my left and I saw Caleb holding Mikeala back. When I turned my head back, I got punched in the jaw.  I then threw the guy into the wall; right onto a 2X4. The guy slid down onto the ground unconscious, so I threw him over my shoulder and put him into a chair. I then grabbed some rope and tied him up where he wouldn’t be able to get out. I turned back around to talk to Mikeala, but I was kicked in the abdomen and then punched in the eye. I stumbled back but recovered quickly and grabbed

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