The Dream

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Chapter 2- The Dream

       I was walking down a road I knew so well, and it started to become nightfall. At first I wasn't scared- not until I heard the screams for help. I knew who was screaming just by the sound of their voice. It was Jonas. I looked all around for him until I saw him run out of a house. His cloths were ripped to shreds. He was cut up- mostly on the arms legs, and his torso.

        "Jonas! What happened? Are you okay?" That's all I was able to say before a vicious wolf the size of a UPS truck appeared. The wolf was snarling with its teeth as sharp as a razor blade. All I could see was the big white wolf with florescent green eyes.  I knew what it wanted; it wanted Jonas. I tried to grab Jonas and run, but Jonas was planted to the ground. He was trembling with his fists clenched together. He shoved me against the thickest tree on the street. When I turned back around, Jonas transformed into a beautiful bleach blonde wolf bigger than the first. I was in awe of the wolves. Everything was silent besides the breathing of the wolves and I.

        At the blink of an eye, the mutant wolves were dueling to death. I wanted it to stop because I didn't want to lose Jonas. I was the only human there. No one else was on the street seeing what I saw. The enormous wolves were moving so gracefully, but also as violent as can be. I have never seen anything like it before. In fact, I don't think anyone has ever seen it. Who ever heard of a human that basically morphed into a wolf fighting another wolf? All this was traumatizing, but I didn't care.

        Then out of nowhere I heard a loud yelp that sounded like a puppy. When I looked, I only saw Jonas' wolf. The vicious wolf was gone. How could that be? One minute it is there; the next it's gone. I then studied Jonas as he became a human again. When he came over to me, he was only wearing shorts and shoes. Before I saw him transform he was wearing ripped jeans, a blue polo shirt, and swat boots. This made me confused to where I only had a blank stare on my face.

        "Caleb, I'm sorry that you had to see that. I didn't know you were here."

         All I could say was, "You're a werewolf." Then I fell limp and Jonas caught me in his arms. His reflexes were so fast I got startled.

        Jonas then started to speak with a velvet smooth husky voice, "I know I am a werewolf. I have to explain to you what you just saw tomorrow. I want you to rest for now, it's late."

       We went to his room where he gave me pajamas to change into. Then we laid down on the bed- me in the pajamas that were too big and him with plaid shorts on. I started to have nightmares, and then I felt his warm arms embracing me to his chest. I woke when I heard his voice saying, "Everything will be alright. That wolf will never go after you."

       I became confused and mumbled, "How did you know what I was dreaming about?"

        All he said was, "I can read your mind. I know everything you think." I didn't know what to say.

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