The Restaurant

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The Restaurant

Josh’s P.O.V.

                After I saw my dad trying to get into my mom, I gave him the silent treatment and started to act out. My parents are perverts- especially my dad. He doesn’t stop doing sexual things to my mom, or he never stops thinking about certain things. I think I got my personality and reputation from my dad to be honest. I look exactly like him too. Sometimes my mom has to do a double take at who she is talking to because we look so similar. It helps though because then all the girls throw themselves at me.

                When we finally got into the new car, I started my rebellion to the move my dad made. I took his I-Touch and blared my headphones in it. When he went to tell me to stop kicking his seat I just flipped him off. He pulled onto the side of the road to yell at me- again.

                “Joshua Scott Green! Why would you be an immature child and flip me off? You’re lucky that I can control myself or you would be pinned to the god damn ground wishing that you never gave me the fu**ing bird. No say you’re sorry and please be good. We are going to a restaurant with Jeff, Selena, and Kayla. If you keep acting out, I won’t allow you to come to the pack party tomorrow night.” My dad was pissed- his face was bright red, and both of his eyes turned jet black. I sometimes think it is funny, but when I see it upsets my mom I have to stop. My mom means everything to me, so I hate to see her upset.

                “I’m sorry daddy. I will never do that again, I promise. Please don’t be mad at me, I just didn’t like how you touched mom before we left. I love you.” I said this with my innocent and guilty voice that came naturally when my instincts knew I was wrong. I bowed my head in sadness to show I was telling the truth. Then my dad reassured me and said it was fine, but didn’t want me to do it again.

                When we got to the rented-out restaurant, we walked in to wait for the Bangor family. When they arrived I was in a trance. Mr. Bangor look almost like my dad, but he had black hair not blonde. He was also shorter than my dad too. He had a black dress shirt and pants on. I looked to his left and saw Mrs. Bangor looking gorgeous. She has a white flowing dress on with black high heels. The dress brought out her green eyes that were surrounded with natural-colored make-up. I stood up and did the formal greeting I was taught to do whenever there were other pack members around. Mr. and Mrs. Bangor just let out a small chuckle and greeted themselves.

                I went to go sit down when I heard someone behind Jeff and Selena say something. “Mom, Dad- I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me that I was bleeding! I look horrible now!” As soon as I heard this I jumped up with napkins in my hand and helped out Kayla. I already met her, but that was only for a few minutes at a pack meeting. I sat her down and cleaned up her face with a gentle touch I never knew I had.

                “Thanks. I’m Kayla by the way. Who are you?” She had a confused look on her face. Then I remembered that she had gotten a concussion that night after talking to me at the meeting. I felt embarrassed, but I know I had to introduce myself as a gentleman because I felt different around her.

                “Hello. I’m Joshua Scott Green. I’m Jonas and Caleb Green’s son. You are very welcomed Kayla. How are you doing tonight?” I asked and I sat her down in her assigned seat then sat across from her. I was so nervous about the feeling I was having towards her all of a sudden. I didn’t know if I should talk to my dad or not. If I did, he might embarrass me; if not I might embarrass myself. I decided to have my aunt tell my dad that night to save me from embarrassment. I snapped out of it when Kayla started to speak.

                “Well, um, I’m okay but I could be a lot better. My boyfriend cheated on me, and then he decided that it would be best if he attacked me since I broke up with him. I barely got away until my dad tackled John to the ground. I saw them fight for half an hour and was traumatized.  My dad won naturally, but he ordered John to stay away from me or he would lose his wolf. I had then left and got ready to come here. Enough of me though- how are you doing?” I was surprised that she opened that up to me right away. I never knew that girls could be so opened right away.

                “I’m pretty good, but I am a little upset. I rebelled against my dad when we came here for something he did. We forgave each other but I still feel guilty about what I did. I flipped him off, took his I-Touch, and was kicking his seat while he was driving. I’m just glad my dad is as awesome as he is or I would be in a lot of trouble and not go to the party my pack has tomorrow night.” I said this with some hesitation, but finally admitted how I really felt to a girl. One that I found awesome and attractive. Then I got the guts to ask Kayla something.

                “Would you like to come to the party my parents are hosting tomorrow night as a friend of mine?” My voice became more husky and seductive as I said this, but I didn’t try for it to be.

                “I would love to Josh! I haven’t been to a party since 2 years ago. Oh- our food is here. I’ll text you after. Here’s my number: 737-215-9068. I always have my phone with me so text or call it whenever.” With that, we ate our main courses and desert. We finally left the restaurant I couldn’t wait to get home and have my aunt call me. We have a tradition where at 9:30 p.m. I waited for about 45 minutes before she called me.


“Hi Auntie Sam!!!” “HI JOSHY! HOW WAS DINNER??” “How did you know? It was fine. I have to tell you something that I’m embarrassed to tell my dad straight to his face. Do you think you can tell him for me?” “Anything for you. What is it?” “I think I imprinted on the girl Kayla. Whatever my dad told me he felt when he imprinted on mom is exactly what I’m feeling. But before you tell him though, I want to let you know that my mom wants to go to a club with you tonight for some girl time.” “Haha alright sweetie- I’ll tell your daddy.”

_____________17 minutes after of Sam talking to Jonas_____________

“So Josh- you did imprint on Kayla and I suggest you run from your daddy. He’s going tackle you can tickle you for celebration. Ill see you in a few. Love yous byeeeeee” “bye auntie”

“AHHHHHHH Dad!!!!!! I’m going to get you back and give you a noogie!!!!” “OH NOOO NOT A NOOGIE!!!!!!!!”

_______________Caleb’s P.O.V. at the club with Sam______________________________

                Sam was drinking so much and dancing with so many guys, I couldn’t keep track of her. When I finally got to her, she was grinding up against a guy that looked like Pauly D from jersey shore. Surprisingly, the dude’s name was Pauly. He wasn’t drinking any alcohol at all which was somewhat funny. He went to get another root beer when Sam had a random attack.

                “Heyyyy Calebbb- WHOOHOOO!!!!! I’m like soooo tipsy right now- can I bring this boy back to the house for the night and keep him. I really like him. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. OMG I LOVE THIS SONG!!!  ME PLUS YOU IMA TELL YOU ONE TIME. ME PLUS YOU IMA TELL YOU ONE TIME. ME PLUS YOU IMA TELL YOU ONE TIME. ONE TIME, ONE TIME. WHEN I MET YOU GIRL  MY HEART WENT KNOCK KNOCK. NOW THEM BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH WONT STOP SOP. AND WE GON KEEP CLIMBING TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP. YOUR WORLD IS MY WORLD AND MY FIGHT IS YOUR FIGHT. MY BREATH IS YOUR BREATH AND YOUR HEART.” Pauly came back and just started to chuckle along with me. Then I decided that we needed to take Sam home so she wouldn’t get into trouble. She always causes trouble when she gets drunk. I told Pauly that he could stay over and comfort Sam when she gets up. Sam loved in mine and Jonas’ house half the time and the other half at her house. Tonight she was staying at my house.

            The next day was the Red, White, and Blue Mass. I decided to get a good night rest. The next day was going to be somewhat emotional. I knew I would have Jonas there to support me. I love Jonas for that.

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