The Flashback

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Chapter 9- The Flashbakc

Caleb's P.O.V.

         I was curled up on my couch with my roommate waiting for his friends. He told me that we were going to a dance party. I got all dressed up to go to the dance party, but it was the wrong kind of dance party. It was a party for Nick, Alan, Jonas, and Patrick to please them. They wanted to have fun with me in a way that was horrible.

            Nick tied me down to the bed and wouldn't let me go. He ripped off all my clothes in the process. I started to scream for help, but no one could hear me. I was in the middle of nowhere. Nick undressed himself and became comfortable. He slid in and out of me until he was tires and could last any longer. He would moan and groan about how good it was. He said that he loved me to the moon and back. I knew it wasn't true. Nick would then try and relax me, but I just bit him as hard as possible on the arm. It brought blood to the surface, so he slapped me across the face and burned me with his cigarette.

            It was then Alan's turn to go and have fun. He would do the same thing that Nick did to me. I would get cut by his knife if I cried at all. By the time he was done, I thought I was going to die if I kept on crying. Patrick was next. He would do the same thing that the other two did to me, but he would do it to the back. If I didn't please him, then he would shove a razor blade into my vagina. Once he left the room, the mattress had blood all over it.

            Finally it was Jonas' turn. He would rape me like the others did. He would sit there with me and comfort me. He knew how bad it was for me because it happened to him when he was a child. His dad would rape him in the ass because Jonas' mom didn't satisfy him. Jonas would hug me being careful where to touch. He said it would all be over in a few hours. Jonas called the cops on Nick, Alan, and Patrick. Jonas was two years older than me. He was 15, and I was 13. I was scared to death when I saw the police cars pull up. Jonas just hugged me tighter and comforted me.

            At this time, the cops didn't do a thing because I didn't have my parents because I was a foster child. I ran away to be with my friends. Even though Nick was 17, it was like he was my brother and best friend. Nick's parents took me in until he was arrested. Alan was 18, and Patrick was 21. I thought the only people I could trust were Jonas, Star, and Sam. I never thought that I would be able to love, not until I found out that who I was supposed to love was the one who saved me.

            I woke up in a cold sweat just like Jonas did. He forgot that the area that we were near one close to the spot the rape happened. I started to become scared, but I hid it until that night. Since Jonas could read my mind, he had the same dreams I did. He turned to me to say something, but I cut him short with a passionate kiss. We both knew what happened, but not why it happened. I wanted to find out why those bastards did that to me, but I was to busy with life now.

            I had the perfect life with the perfect man. I never knew it would end up like this. I then decided to do something new with the love of my life, and I believe it was a success. Well, until we had a new person in the pack.

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