Chapter 21

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Denmark's POV

I've gotten into old habits again...

Cutting, drinking, crying.

It started after Norge fell asleep and didn't wake up. I lost my comfort. The only thing holding me up fell down. Now he's awake and he's upset with me. He's trying to keep a hold of himself..

Norge tried talking to his boss about giving her more land but he said that won't wake her up. The great capital of Norway isn't a capital any longer. Norway woke up because people are claiming a new capital. Bergen.

I was crying in the bathroom. Norway followed me to make sure I didn't do anything. I hated it when people saw me in this state. Norge is the only one who i let see me like this. We were all back in our dorms because the doctors told us to sleep in a bed.

"Mama! Papa!"

Norge walked out to talk with him while I continued crying.

When he walked back in he had a disappointed look. More than he already did.

"Einar said he felt her pain and all of a sudden it stopped. He thinks its her waking, but..." He stopped himself. "We have to go back to the hospital."

Norway's POV

I brought a certain book just in case. When we arrived they looked at Dane and I sympathetically. Fuck.. I thought.

Einar stayed home with Ice. We didn't want him to see us like this.

"Lukas and Matthias?" A faint but deep voice called. "I'm sorry, but we did everything we could.." I walked into her room while Mathias talked to him. I shut the door and looked at her. She was pale. I read the page I was saving of the book.

Use within 24 hours of a loved one's death. Will work if the bond is strong enough.

I grabbed her hand and started reading out loud. " Jeg gir denne jenta, har livet mitt til å la henne være frisk igjen. Hun skal våkne opp." Light flash appeared and I looked to her. She started coughing and her eyes shot open. Her coughing died down and she looked to me.

"Mama!" She hugged me. I hugged back and with my limited time I sat down. I saw Dane and the doctor come in just before I entered a peaceful.. Deep... Sleep.. "Goodbye" I think I whispered

Denmark's POV

I finish talking to the doctor and walk in with him unprepared for what I'm about to see. Though, I saw something different than what I was expecting. KatrIne was awake and Norge was sitting on a chair. He closed his eyes and whispered "Goodbye"

"Papa!" She bounces up out of her bed and hugs me. "What's wrong with Mama?"

I'm still looking at Lukas trying to comprehend this. "Lukas?..." The doctor checks out KatrIne's health. I try to wake up Lukas. He doesn't wake. He's breathing..? I feel for a heartbeat but feel none. I look to his lap. There was a book with Magi carved into it. I open to the page he bookmarked and see an underlined paragraph. "Use within 24 hour of the death of a loved one. Will work if the bond is strong enough."

He used magic to wake her up? Now he's back in a coma...

"He's breathing but I don't feel a heartbeat.." I tell the doctor.

"I don't feel or hear one on her either."

I texted Ice to bring him and Einar. When they got here Ice was pissed. "He fucking promised he wouldn't use magic anymore.. He lied." I looked to his unmoving body and choked back tears.


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