Chapter 6

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Denmark's POV

"Hey Norge?"


"What should we name them?" I said, feeling his stomach.

"Hmm.. How about.. The first one that's born, how about for a girl, KatrIne, and for a boy, Hagen."

"And how about for the second one for a girl, Dorte, and for a boy, Einar."

"Sounds perfect" he kissed me softly.

"Jeg eskler dig Norge."

"Jeg eskler deg Dane"

"NOR!" I heard Icey yell.

"WHAT?" I yell back


"OKAY" I looked back to Denmark.

"Want dinner?"

"Sure I'll help make it." He smiled.


Denmark's POV

After we ate we went to bed. Norge was really tired and cranky. He went to sleep nuzzled into my chest. It. Was. Adorable.

He looked peaceful. I kissed his forehead as I started to drift off.


I woke up to Norge shifting around a lot. "You okay Norge?"

"My stomach hurts. Can you get me some painkillers?" He groaned.

"Yeah." I got up and got two painkillers and a glass of water. He downed the pills and water. I set the glass on the nightstand.

When I guess the pain eased, he nuzzled his face into my chest again. I wrapped my arms around him.

I know these last two chapters have been kinda short, but it will get longer.

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