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Yoshino Junpei
"(Name)-san, are you free tomorrow?"


"Are they bothering you again?"

Yoshino Junpei
"It's not that"

Yoshino Junpei
"A new movie came out, and I accidentally bough two tickets"


(Two minutes later)

Yoshino Junpei
"Do you want to come?"


"But don't you have school?"

Yoshino Junpei is typing...

(A few minutes later)

"Are you actually planning to skip school?"

"Haha, it's fine, I used to skip school sometimes (*゚ー゚)ゞ"

"I just don't want you to get home too late"

Yoshino Junpei

Yoshino Junpei
"Is 10 am alright then?"

"Of course! See you tomorrow then!"

Yoshino Junpei
"Thank you"

If you were honest, you weren't exactly fond of cinemas. Sitting with strangers is something that you find unpleasant, not that you could invite Gojo since he is just going to spoil everything. Besides, it's not like you have time anyway. Heaven knows how long you haven't been to the cinema.

Not wanting to be late, you arrived 15 minutes early, totally not because of your nervousness or something. You like arriving early anyway since you hate being late, it's a rule for being a cool and reliable senpai. Besides-


The movie hasn't even started yet and you already got jump scared.

Yoshino walked up to you and scratched his cheek, "sorry, did I make you wait?"

"We're early, actually," you laughed to soothed him before asking, "are you hurt anywhere?"

He was taken aback by your question but he smiled and answered, "I'm fine, don't worry."

You felt skeptical about it you but didn't want to pressure him, so instead, you asked, "do you want to get something to eat, like, uh, maybe popcorns?"

God, why must I be so awkward?

"Sure," he smiled before leading you towards the place where they sell snacks.

He ordered a small-sized popcorn and two cups of soda. Just as he was about to take out his wallet, you nyoomed in front of him and slammed your own money on the table a little bit too hard. Just a little bit, you were totally not trying to convince yourself or anything. The cashier and Yoshino stared at you with a shocked expression while you stared back with a straight-face and mourn about how you looked super silly internally. The cashier took some time to react and thanked you while he snickered behind you.

"Stop laughing," you sulked.

"Sorry," he tried to press down his smile but you can see the corner of his lips twitching.

To tell the truth, you were happy to see him laugh. You were really worried that you were going to make this extremely awkward, but it seemed like it worked itself out.

"Oh, by the way," you paid the fee of the movie tickets back to him, "here."

"Huh?" He blinked, "it wasn't that expensive."

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