30- Playa De Losers (Bonus Chapter)

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*takes place right after the last chapter

Logan's POV

For some reason, the Boat of Losers pulled up to a fancy looking resort.

"Why are you dropping me off here?" I asked Chef as I grabbed my backpack.

There was no way I was staying there. I mean a nice looking resort versus cruddy Camp Wawanakwa? It's like comparing Chef's paste to a dish made at a five star restaurant.

"That's where all the kids who got kicked off are staying until the finale," Chef answered, turning off the boat as he parked it by a dock.

"Wait seriously?" I gaped a little at the sight in front of me. "This is where the losers go after they get kicked off?"

"Yep. That's what I said." I chuckled quietly in embarrassment.

"So you're telling me I could've gotten kicked off first and I would've had this whole resort to myself?" I asked, staring at the resort in wonder.

I just couldn't believe that this is where I'll be staying at for the next week and a half. A resort? With most of my friends? And probably a nice bed and decent food? This is a very seldom thing.

"Homeschool is one lucky kid," Chef responded.

I can't tell you how jealous I am of Ezekiel. Just imagine getting all of that to yourself. And I haven't even seen what the resort has yet, but I can already tell it's way better than Camp Wawanakwa.

"Wow," I uttered, stepping off of the boat.

"Have fun kid," Chef said before starting up the boat. He drove off leaving me alone.

This must be the resort that my therapist was talking about. Chris really fooled all of us.

It was just around the corner from Camp Wawanakwa, too!

"Is that my chica, Logan?" I heard Geoff call out as I made my way down the dock.

At the top of the steps leading to the resort stood Geoff, Bridgette, and DJ.

"No it's Heather!" I answered with my best Heather impersonation, blocking the setting sun with my hand.

"Logan!" Bridgette shouted, running down the steps.

"Yep, that's her," I heard DJ say to Geoff as they followed her, just as eager.

"Hey!" I grinned, rushing over to them. "I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too, man," Geoff responded as I pulled them all in for my tight and friendly hugs.

"Ugh, I'm so glad I'm out of that hellhole," I muttered, pulling away. "You guys had it somewhat easy. I'm jealous."

"But we are still missing out on a hundred grand," Geoff pointed out.

"Psh, so? This resort actually seems like fun. And most of my friends are already here so now that I'm here we can part-tay!" I cheered, pumping my fist in the air.

"Wahoo! Seems like Logan's ready to go on vacay," Geoff said, nudging Bridgette. Glancing down, I quickly took insight of their intertwined hands.

"You two together finally?" I asked the two blondes, crossing my fingers. Geoff and Bridgette nodded, giving each other cheesy grins.

"Finally. Took you long enough," I replied, punching Geoff's shoulder lightly. He slightly laughed. Yes! Gidgette has officially set sail.

I was so glad they're finally together, I've been rooting for them since the first day of camp.

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