18- X-Treme Torture

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Logan's POV

"Jesus! He needs to stop doing that," I mumbled from the ground as the roar of a plane engine shook the cabin.

"He almost gave me a heart attack," Bridgette groaned from one of the bunks.

"He did give me a heart attack," I fumed tiredly as I crawled out of my blanket.

After making my bed and putting on some fresh clothes, Bridgette and I made our way outside to the other groggy campers.

"Incoming!" I heard Chris shout from above. I glanced up to see a plane nosediving straight at us.

"Hit the deck!" Geoff screeched. We all scattered to avoid getting hit.

I ended up tripping over a stick and accidentally collided with someone, making the both of us fall to the ground.

"Man, I'm sorry," I apologized, lifting my head from the person's chest as the plane passed over us. My eyes met with a familiar pair of teal eyes.

"Crap." I felt my face turn crimson while the chest underneath me vibrated because of my clumsiness.

"Couldn't resist me, huh?" Duncan smirked as I laid my hand on his chest.

"In your dreams!" I responded, removing myself from his lap. Flustered, I wiped the dirt off of my shirt and pants with a small huff.

"Accidents like that should happen more often," Duncan said as I helped him off the ground. With a scowl, I trudged over to the other campers to regroup.

"Just flexing your muscles for today's EXTREME SPORTS CHALLENGE!" Chris shouted through a megaphone, landing the plane. We plugged our ears and flinched by the loud noise of the aircraft.

"Ugh, it's too early for this," Gwen mumbled, slouching.

"This week you'll participate in three challenges. First up, EXTREME SOFA BED SKY DIVING!" Chris yelled through his megaphone again.

"Contestants will plummet- uh skydive, to a waiting sofa bed target below." The door of the plane swung open and Chef jumped out, landing on the sofa. It then snapped shut.

"Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet. And using these." Chris threw some old parachutes onto the ground in front of us.

"Our lucky contestants are... Trent and... DJ!" Chris announced, reading off of a piece of paper.

"Sure. Why not?" Trent shrugged. "You know what they say on Blackcomb Mountain, bro. Best glimpse of heaven's on the way into hell. Let's do this."

"Yeah. Uh, sure. Bring it on," DJ stammered, feeling uneasy.

"Not so fast. Because the second challenge of the day is... EXTREME RODEO MOOSE RIDING!" Chris exclaimed, climbing out of the plane. We followed him to a wooden fenced area.

"Contestants will rodeo ride the Great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hooved into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found." I plugged my nose as a couple of us stood behind the rancid sock pile.

How many pairs of socks did these people lose?

"That stank pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home," Leshawna spoke up, eyeing the heap of dirty socks.

"It's your lucky day Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers," Chris responded. "And Geoff, you'll ride for Bass."

"He doesn't look too bucky to me," Owen said, admiring the moose in the pen. "Hi beautiful." The moose knocked him over making me chortle.

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