10- Up The Creek

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Logan's POV

"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip." Chris motioned towards a couple of canoes on the shoreline.

Just a few minutes ago, Chris informed us to meet up with him right after breakfast.

"You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake... to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle," Chris explained in an eerie voice.

"We've gotta pour what?" Geoff asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I noticed that Bridgette face-palmed herself as she stood next to him.

"Portage." Geoff stared blankly at our host.

"Dude, he means walk with your canoe," I said in a loud whisper.


"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move!" Chris instructed. We scuttled out to the beach.

"Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention," Chris called out, stopping us in our tracks. "Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever!"

Darn. I guess no souvenirs, then.

A crack of thunder echoed in the distance causing Owen to chuckle with excitement. "Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!"

"Now, get in your canoes, and let's have some fun!" Chris said.

"Yes!" We walked away skeptically with some of us giving Owen concerning looks.

"All right Deej, let's go," I spoke, linking arms with my friend.

"What about me?" Duncan asked as DJ and I walked together to the beach.

"Go with Sadie and Harold. I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I smirked, motioning to the two walking together.

I eyed Bridgette who was at the bottom of the stairs while Duncan took my advice, and went to go catch up to Harold and Sadie.

"We have some important business to attend to involving a relationship," I told DJ.

"Geoff's drowning with the ladies, huh?" he responded as we watched Courtney join Bridgette, leaving Geoff alone at the end of the steps.


//Geoff's Confessional

"Man, I thought Bridgette and I were tight but suddenly, I don't know, it's like she's fading on me. Nah! It's all good!" //

"Hey Geoff, need a partner?" DJ called out to him.

"You can come and join us," I chirped in.

I did need to talk to him anyway, so I might as well kill two birds with one stone.

"Excellent!" he replied, jogging over.

We made our way over to the canoes and passed by Courtney and Bridgette who were slipping on their life jackets. Bridgette began to fumble with hers hoping Geoff would help, but he walked past her, oblivious.

//Logan's Confessional

"For some reason there was a whole lot of unusual tension in the air between Malibu and Party Boy. I had to get to the bottom of it." //

"Yo man, do canoes flip over a lot?" DJ asked Geoff as we reached our canoe.

"No, you're thinking kayaks," Geoff answered. "Unless we hit some rough water, aye Logan?"

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