16- Basic Straining || Part 1

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Logan's POV

After getting my splint off at the infirmary, I found myself on the porch steps with Duncan and Geoff. Duncan was carving a skull into the cabin (as usual), and I was cleaning my camera lens while remaining a conversation with Geoff.

"Okay, who made s'mores out of my underwear!?" I heard Harold exclaim. I peered through Duncan's legs to see Harold holding up a pair of underwear sandwiched between chocolate sauce and graham crackers.

"I thought you said you would dial down on the pranks?" I said to Duncan with a small smile.

"I did," he replied before busting a gut with Geoff.

Harold threw his underwear onto the grass with anger. As he did so, someone let out a blood curling scream.

"Ew! Harold, you are so totally gross," Courtney sneered at the redhead, treading away.

"No, wait! It wasn't me!" Harold tried to call out, but it was no use. "Idiots." He slammed the door shut to the boy's side of the cabin.

"Sometimes he just makes it too easy," Geoff spoke.

"I hear ya, man," Duncan agreed as the loudspeaker squeaked.

"Listen up you little cockroaches!" Chef shouted through it.

"Why is Chef on the loudspeaker?" I questioned, looking at the boys.

"I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at oh-nine-hundred hours." We looked at each other confused before Chef continued. "That means now soldiers, now!"

We all split, making a beeline towards the dock.


"Line up and stand at attention!" Chef bellowed through the red megaphone in a military outfit as we all stood at the dock.

"You call this proper formation? Feet together!" He whacked Geoff's feet from beside me.

"Stop slouching!" Chef whipped my back and I instantly stood up straighter.

"Arms down!" He smacked Duncan's crossed arms and marched ahead. "Eyes forward! Head up!" Chef Hatchet stroked Harold up and down to make his body more straight.

"Oh this is gonna be a fun day," I heard Gwen mutter to someone.

Chef shoved the megaphone in her face. "What did you say to me, soldier!?"

"Um...nothing?" Gwen responded in more of a question than a statement.

"And you will continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something!" he screeched in her face.

I could already tell that it was going to be a splendid challenge.

"Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive," Chef told us. Owen chuckled so Chef hit him with the stick in retaliation.

"Ooooh! That hurt!" Owen cried out, holding his lower back in pain.

"My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team," Chef explained, scrutinizing us.

"Uh, what happened to Chris?" Heather asked. Chef spun around with anger spread across his face.

"Rule number one. You will address me as Master Chief. Have you got that!?" he spat.

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