20- No Pain, No Game

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Logan's POV

The guys would be coming back any minute so the girls and I all waited on or by the dock. I was adjusting my camera lens, Bridgette was cleaning her surfboard, Gwen was scribbling away in her diary, and Leshawna ate a bag of chips in a chair next to Lindsay and Heather who were reading out of magazines.

No one has said a single word to each other since we got out here and I'd rather not break the silence in case any quarrels spewed up again. I kept to myself while the girls sent glares to each other every so often.

It's been crappy without the guys. There was a lot of tension & constant arguing between the girls, so I'm glad the boys are finally coming back from their little vacation.

A boat horn went off, putting my thoughts on pause. I looked up to see the cruise ship pull up to the dock. Music blared from the speakers while the guys danced along before eventually sliding down the ramp and running onto the dock.

"What a weekend!" Duncan rejoiced while Owen hooted. They all stood in a giant group, so I got up from my spot on the dock to greet them.

"Oh, sweet mother of mirth. You can't buy that kind of fun!" Owen shouted with joy.

"I think Owen and DJ took a real shine to those lovely ladies who served us hand and foot," Duncan said with a smug look.

"Hello? The spa treatments? My alligator elbows, totally gone!" DJ joined in, sticking out his arms.

Spa treatments?

//Leshawna's Confessional

"Psh. Those should've been my alligator elbows getting the hand and foot treatment!" //

Some of the girls displayed sour looks as the boys continued to gloat about their experience on the cruise ship.

I did feel a bit jealous but I was happy that they got to spend the weekend with each other even if it meant I didn't get the spa treatment like DJ and had to listen to the girls wrangle for two straight days.

"Anyone care for a chocolate-coated cherry blossom?" Owen offered, walking over to us with a plate full of chocolate.

As I was about to reach my hand out to grab one, Leshawna's shoe hit the plate and sent them flying into the lake. The smile that was once on my face instantly dropped.

"Hey!" I turned around with my hands on my hips. "You didn't need to do that."

"Noooooo!" Owen cried out.

"It's okay, dude. The ladies are just a little jealous," Geoff assured Owen as Leshawna and I glared at each other.

"Yeah, who could blame them?" Duncan added on. I turned my head away from Leshawna's fierce eyes. "They can barely stand each other and meanwhile us guys are tighter than family! Guys rule!"

Oh how I really wish I was a guy right about now.

"Oh yeah, baby!" The boys cheered about to high-five each other but the loudspeaker interrupted them.

"Listen up campers, as of right now all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves!" Chris's voice bellowed over the intercom. The guys did a double-take and took a step away from each other.

"Well, um, it's about time we flew solo," Duncan uttered, clearing his throat. I gave him a look as my lips up-curved a little. He sent me an eye roll in return.

Switch up much?

"Oh, I am feeling that. Bring it on Chris!" Leshawna said with crossed arms.

"Then... get ready for this!" Another horn blared and we all whipped our heads to see a different boat heading up to the dock. I gasped in dismay as I saw what- or who- was on the boat.

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