06- Dodgebrawl

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Logan's POV

"Shut up!" I screamed, kicking the wall in frustration.

It had to be about two in the morning, just after the Awake-a-thon challenge, and one of the guys had begun to snore.

I placed a pillow over my head to block out the growing sound.


With fluttering eyes, I leaned my head against my palm to keep myself awake.

My debility had got to me after I had taken a shower thanks to whoever was snoring in the cabin last night.

Duncan sat next to me inside the lodge, resting his head against the table. Most of our teammates were also around us, exhausted from the lack of sleep last night.

"Duncan and Logan! You look like crap, kids," Chris's voice blasted through my eardrums. I opened up one of my eyes to see him standing in front of our table.

"Stuff it," Duncan spat out, placing his head against the table again. I did the same.

You know I wouldn't be as drained if it weren't for some stupid red-haired kid that somehow enjoys my company.

"Harold snored all night," Courtney informed Chris, half-asleep much like the rest of us.

I wish someone would've put a pillow over his mouth to shut him up.

"Wow. Four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting, guys?" Chris chortled. Whipping my head to scowl at him, I gritted my teeth together.

"Wanna find out?!" Duncan snapped, giving Chris the death glare. Our teammates hid around the table because of his abrupt actions.

"So Logan-"

"Put a sock in it already, McLean," I snarled at our host. This caused my teammates to cower in fear even more.

And there goes my temper.

I felt Duncan's body against me after I set my head back down on the table. Too tired to brush him off, I let him stay there.

Not going to lie, although the Awake-a-thon was dreadful, I'm kinda glad that we still had to participate so I'd get to know about Duncan. When I'm with him, I slowly feel myself getting out of my shell. And it's finally nice to have a friendship where I can playfully dabble with someone.

Not much later, laughter echoed in my ears. To see what the commotion was about I lifted my head causing Duncan to stir. Harold strolled on over to our table with a poorly drawn on moustache right underneath his nose.

"Did you do that?" I asked Duncan as Harold sat down across from us. The delinquent rose his head slightly before setting it back down.


"Okay, what?" Harold asked as we all stared at him.

"Someone messed with your face, dude," Geoff snickered. Harold picked up a spoon from the middle of the table.

"Hey, sweet 'stache," Harold murmured, admiring his face through the reflection.

"Logan, you like it?" the redhead asked, setting his spoon down. I felt my eyes expand.

"It's definitely... uh... a look," I answered, "but I think it suits you."

//Harold's Confessional

"Logan and I go way back. I can always count on her for her wise and sensible opinions." //

//Logan's Confessional

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