08- The Sucky Outdoors

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Logan's POV

"Get your girl already," I laughed at Geoff who was ogling Bridgette.

"I gotta play it cool, though," he told me as we walked to the campfire together.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes. It was obvious both blondes had something going for each other.

We've been at camp for a little bit, so now it was acceptable to have a boyfriend or girlfriend without everyone judging you. Besides Heather, of course.

"Have you guys made up, yet?" Geoff asked. I shook my head.

Ever since what went down at the amphitheater, Bridgette and I haven't talked much. I mean, we aren't enemies, but we aren't exactly on best terms, either.

One thing good that did come out of this was that I got closer to Geoff and the boys. Now I can try to set the two surfers up with each other since I know the inside scoop from both parties.

"She'll come around babe," Geoff told me as we stood at the campfire with the rest of the crew.

I sure hope so.

I miss having a close friendship with Bridgette. It doesn't help much that she's been spending more time with Courtney. Don't get me wrong, Courtney's not that bad of a person, but I have a feeling she's out to get me. Probably for that violin incident which I take full blame for.

Man, I really hate how clumsy I can be.

"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills," Chris began to say as we quieted down our small conversations with each other, "I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive."

Geoff and I shared concerning looks.

"Just joking," Chris chuckled. "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it."

Our host passed out compasses and maps.

"This should be easy, eh?" Tyler, who was on the left side of me, whispered.

After spending time with Chris at this crummy summer camp, I knew our challenge wasn't going to be as simple as that.

"Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production," Chris added on.

Told you, so.

"First team back for breakfast wins invincibility!" He blew an air horn. "Well, off you go!"

"You lost interns?" I rose from my seat while the rest of the campers made their way into the woods.

"Nuh-uh, there's no way-"

"Let's go yapper," Duncan cut me off, grabbing my arm. "It'll be a breeze."

"More like a suicide trip," I muttered as he dragged me towards the others.


"Don't you guys feel like we're forgetting something?" I asked as my team walked through the woods.

"What are we forgetting? We have annoying Ms. Counsellor In Training over here guiding us with a map," Duncan answered, gesturing over to Courtney who was leading us with the map and compass.

"I think this is a perfect place to set up camp," Courtney spoke up, ceasing in her tracks. We all stopped behind her.

"All right, vertically challenged and I will get some firewood, you guys set up camp," Duncan said, taking my arm once again.

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