online to offline pt. 6

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"In second place, with 6493 out of the 7300 votes is..." the audience and the singers held their breath in anticipation. "None other than Pink on White!"

Niki and Puffy both gasped loudly and hugged each other. "What the shit!" Niki was bouncing on her toes.

"Oh the only way you two can win now is to get first place." Puffy laughed "evilly", "Suck it, green boy."

"Maybe we'll win," Dream rolled his eyes.

"Congrats, you two!" Hannah congratulated.

"Nice." Ranboo simply spoke to Niki and Puffy.

"Thank you." Niki and Puffy both nodded sincerely.

"And.. in third place, with 6382 votes is..." The emcee flipped through their cards as the people watched in anticipation. "The Feral Boys!"

"OH WAIT SHIT THAT'S A LOT OF VOTES-" Dream realized, "aw but damn it we lost-" He laughed softly,

"We'll get you next time." George stared daggers into Puffy and Niki's head.

"Come on George, it's fine, let them win this one time." Sapnap patted the man's head.

"How's it feel to lose?" Quackity leaned on Dream's shoulder.

"Yeah! How's it feel to lose?" Karl chimed in.

"Who's side are you on-" Dream wheezed.

"And in Fourth Place, with 5984 votes, we have..." The emcee spoke, and Tubbo held his breath, this could be his last shot at not being eliminated, since the Eggpire's chances of being past is slim. "Divergent Paths!"

"Oh thank god-" Tubbo sighed in relief, and so did Ranboo, who gave the shorter brunette a quick hug.

"I think my heart just- it died on me, just now." Tommy admitted quietly.

"Same." Purpled nodded.

"Congrats!" They turned to see Jack smiling.

If they got fourth, that means, most likely, Jack and Charlie would be eliminated.

"And unfortunately, the band that will be eliminated, coming in at fifth place is..." The emcee paused, "Snowchester. I'm sorry guys, it's the end of the road for you two."

Jack nodded, "that's fine, thank you guys so much for the opportunity!"

"Yeah, I was gonna say that, these few days have been intense, and we have no plans on leaving until we watch who actually wins, so I mean," Charlie smiled, "Thank you guys again." He bowed slightly.

"Thank you," Jack echoed, following suit.

"And now," The Eggpire seemed to understand what was going on, "the winner with 7129 votes, is... The Eggpire!"

"... HOLY SHIT-"


"Wait did we just win first episode-"

"No way!"

"Let's go!" A mountain of cheers was shouted, and the others congratulated them sincerely. The recording ended shortly after.


Before they departed from the stadium, the bands made a group chat.

It started blowing up just as the Paths were going to bed.

"Why's the groupchat-" Tommy reached for his phone, "Oh."

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