oh, there i go, i'm panicking

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"You guys are signing up too?" The four boys looked from the paper to their left, where the voices came from. It was Dream. "It's nice to see some competition... Finally, the last few years have been real dry for competitors."

"Dream, you're scaring the kids." Quackity taunted.

"Come on Quackity, they're not babies..." Sapnap rolled his eyes. "But they are a little deer in the headlight-y."

"Shit-" Tommy shook his head, "Hi."

"Sapnap, stop being rude! You too Quackity-" Karl bonked both boys on the head. "I'm sorry about them."

"No... worries?" Tubbo finished writing the names down, and stood up. "You guys scouting out the competition or something?"

"You could say that." Dream tilted his head, smiling under his mask. "Just a lot of new people between the transfers and the freshmen."

"Well your band seems to hold no exception, where's George?" Purpled asked, a bold question if you'd ask any of the other three, but it wasn't shocking to come from Purpled.

"He's just busy with something. Don't worry."

"We weren't worried." Ranboo mumbled, barely audible through his mask, "just a question to get the conversation going."

"... I cannot tell whatever the fuck he just said." Quackity put it bluntly. "Dream, this is how you sound when you don't speak the fuck up."

"... Shut it Quackity." Dream sighed and looked away.

"Hey, what are you guys doing for the contest? I think there are people planning on doing classical pieces, video game music... there's even a person that's going to lead a pokemon singalong."

"Like..." Tubbo paused, "The theme song?"

"Yup." The four older boys sighed, "He does it every year."

"God damned Charlie Slimesicle." Sapnap grumbled, "He won two years ago. That year was by student vote."

"Unfortunately." Karl added sadly.

"Oh that's amazing. He won?!" Tommy laughed.

"Oh we're not sure what we're doing yet..." Ranboo looked to Tubbo, who shrugged. The other two shrugged too when Ranboo looked to them. "How 'bout you guys?"

"We're a cover band, so probably a cover of a song? Not sure which one though..." Dream pondered for a moment.

"Good luck choosing one."

R i n g

"Oh there it goes, the bell's going off." Ranboo started, "Bye now, good luck." he started to walk away and the other three immediately followed, seeing an out for this conversation.

"I think we scared them." Karl spoke softly.

"Yeah, we definitely scared them." Quackity sighed.

"Come on I was trying to be nice- why is everyone in this damn contest that we go up to just scared of us?" Dream turned to his bandmates. "I tried to be nice, right?"

"I think it's the combined popularity and just- sheer anxiety." Sapnap sighed. "You also weren't that nice. Intimidating as hell."


"I only speak the truth, Dreamy-poo."

"You're literally not allowed to call him that." A new voice joined the conversation.

"Getting defensive?"

"Quackity give me a kiss-"

"-wAIT NO-"

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