online to offline pt 4

971 62 53


I forgot Jack and Charlie last chapter.

Ignore that, please.

Just pretend like they were there XD

Thank you!


--- @DivergentPathsOfficial

I think I almost pissed myself. - Path D

--- @TheFeralBoysOfficial

I did too, dw about it - Dream

--- @User 6

Why is D and Dream talking about pissing themselves onstage the best thing that I have ever seen?

--- @PinkOnWhiteOfficial

Guys, these two bands are a constant reminder of why I'm dating a girl. - Puffy

--- @EggpireOfficial

And a reminder of why I'm not dating. - Hannah

--- @User1


--- @User2

Agreed, Hannah, Puffy, agreed.

--- @User3

Wise words, men are kinda gross ngl

--- @User4

And thus, men, we have no chance.

--- @User5

Pft- good. Back off of the ladies.

--- @User6

Anyone else want to know the paths' names and their faces? I'm genuinely curious.

--- @User7

Don't blame ya, cause I do :(

--- @User8



"wHOAAA" Tommy felt like a kid in a candy store. "THIS ROOM IS HUGE."

"I mean, we're all sharing it." Ranboo deadpanned, sitting on one of the somehow four beds that they fit into the room.

"That is a shame." Tommy joked.

"Shut up." Ranboo flicked Tommy's head.

"I'm going to pass out, it's too late for you two's bullshit." Purpled flopped onto one of the beds.

"I should be the one saying that, jet lag hits like a bitch." Tubbo sighed, pushing in his luggage that he left at the front desk this morning, since he was in such a rush to get into the stadium.

"What are we singing tomorrow?" Tommy looked up to the ceiling, now laid on his back on a bed.

"..." Tubbo paused to think, "Oh right, teenagers."

"What." Ranboo looked to Tubbo with a confused look.

"Teenagers by My Chemical Romance." Tubbo explained further.

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