that... was a close one.

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"Sorry, but the flight is canceled, we're trying to figure out the next available fight."

Tubbo and Tommy froze.

"What." They both spoke, less of a question, more of a statement.

"I'm sorry you two, we'll probably be able to find one in under an hour. We'll email you guys when we do."

The two boys nodded in thanks to the worker who just wanted to get through the day, and sat down in one of the waiting seats. The staff at the show had left them 3 extra hours in case this happened, but they couldn't help but get worried. Since it was 3am, they figured that they'd call the Americans, since it was only 10pm for them.

"Oh, we hope you guys good luck, that's all we can really say..." Ranboo sighed.

"Yeah, by the way, we're already here, so we can cover it if you miss the first rehearsal."

Tubbo laid upside down on one of the chairs, sighing. "I'm sorry guys."

"Tubbo, stop apologizing for things you cannot control." Purpled spoke sternly.

"Yeah, you've got to stop doing that." Ranboo agreed.

"Why are you there at 10pm anyways?" Tommy spoke up, trying to change the topic for a moment.

"Yeah about that- we were also late, since there was so much damned traffic." Purpled sighed softly.

"We had to take a full roadtrip to get here, remember?" Ranboo added.


"We're gonna have to take a full ass road trip up the country." Purpled told them as he sat beside Ranboo, both sitting on the swings at a park.

"Yeah, it's gonna be long." Ranboo groaned.

"Mhm, good luck." They heard a half asleep Tubbo hum on the three way call.

"Don't push yourselves too hard." Tommy sounded half asleep too.

"It's 1am for you guys, isn't it," Purpled laughed softly, "We'll leave you two be now, good night."

"Good night."


"I think we were asleep when you two told us."

Purpled and Ranboo stood quiet for a moment, "Yeah- yeah, probably."

"Well, good luck you two, we have to get signed in."

Tubbo flipped back right around the chair. "Thank you."

"Bye bye." Tommy spoke softly before hanging up.

"Has it been an hour yet?" Tubbo asked, looking to Tommy expectedly. Tommy sighed and checked his phone.

"No." He went to check for a new email. "Nope."


Tommy drummed a soft beat on his lap with his fingers as they waited, it has been well over an hour at this point, and alas, no email.

"You wanna get food?" Tubbo sat straighter.

"Yeah let's go." Tommy nodded.

They went to burger king and ordered a whopper, where they met this guy who they had to sit with since there weren't much tables around.

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