online to offline pt 1

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"Does that voice sound familiar to you, or is that just me?" Tubbo paused at the voice over the PA, which had an accent to it, an English accent.

"Yeah, a little." Tommy paused as well, "Eh, lots of brits have that accent."

"No, even I can hear it." Ranboo spoke, "It sounds so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it..."

"Exactly what Ranboo said," Purpled sighed as he tuned the electric guitar. "Just on the tip of my tongue."

"Well, here we go, start of rehearsals of Online to Offline 2021!" The PA boomed. "Before we start, let me restate the disclaimers of this rehearsal, which is literally only one." The speaker paused. "This will be recorded and used as footage for the... special before the first episode. So yeah! Go ahead."

Tommy and Tubbo paused, they probably looked like they were sick or some shit, since they were jetlagged as hell.

"Okay..." Tommy paused in front of the drum. "What are we-"

Tubbo gave his band a evil smile. Ranboo sighed. "What do you have in mind, bee boy?"


"Okay, let's get this over with." Purpled sighed.

Tommy gave Tubbo a look before hitting his two drumsticks together. "ONE TWO THREE AND FOUR!"

Ranboo took a breath, since he was singing first. This was a song that mostly Tubbo and Ranboo sang. Tubbo, for now, was more interested in getting the synth to play the right beats that Tommy couldn't all play at once, and when it did, Tubbo sighed softly out of relief.




Ranoo and Tubbo

All four

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people looked at him with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the Bible like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he was also the kind of teacher

Women would desire


Lover of the Russian Queen

There was a cat that really was gone


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

On, on

Lived a certain man in Russia long ago

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people looked at him with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the Bible like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he was also the kind of teacher

Women would desire

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