online to offline pt 2

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Author's note again: the emcee is totally AustinShow.


After the rehearsal, that exact night, much to Tommy and Tubbo's jetlagged displeasure, was the recording of the first episode. They sat backstage a few minutes before everything started. There were five bands in the show, Divergent Paths, the Feral Boys, Pink on White, Snowchester and a band called the Eggpire. The paths weren't going to lie, even catching their leader's eyes sent a shiver down their spin. Badboyhalo, or Bad, was the most feared person in the room. They were a cover band as well, and they have gathered over 5 million subscribers in the short time they were online, which was about two years. The group of six were formidable in the side of YouTube that did covers. Bad was a great singer, and so was Hannah, Ant (or Antfrost) played the guitar like it was what he had done since he shot out of the womb, Punz had a great connection with drums, hitting the right place at the right time, always. Skeppy, Bad's boyfriend, could probably go from one note to another on his bass faster than... literally anyone. And Ponk just had an amazing reflex with the keyboard.

Yeah, the paths were not going to be in their way, especially not after only being 4 months into this community.

With two lead singers, and instrumentals that were better than most, they had a huge advantage over everyone.

"Um," Bad spoke up under his black mask (which seemed like a pattern now, there were a lot of maskers in this room, since Ant had a full on furry head, which everyone found fascinating on how one wouldn't overheat in), which startled a lot of people. "I wanted to say good luck."

Well, Bad wasn't that scary. "Good luck to you guys too." Dream spoke first.

Niki and Puffy spoke next, almost in sync. "Good luck!"

Tubbo spoke on the behalf of his band. "Good luck!"

Charlie spoke for himself and Jack. "Good luck."

"Okay you guys." Someone with a clipboard walked in, voice monotone. And the clipboard was familiar, if some of the people in the room had to say. Along with light clicks of a pen that felt way too close to what they had heard every-

"... is that- Mr. Blade?!"


"What are you doing here?!" Dream wheezed.

"Wilbur's my adoptive brother, unfortunately. So I have to help out."

"Wilbur?!" The paths, Feral Boys and Pink on White shrieked at once.

"Oh god- Wilbur is here?!" Tubbo panicked slightly.

"... Yeah, he was on the PA this morning. He's running the show, and one of the judges, and the only judge today."

Tommy turned to Tubbo, "That's why..."

"Does that voice sound familiar to you, or is that just me?" Tubbo paused at the voice over the PA, which had an accent to it, an English accent.

"Yeah, a little." Tommy paused as well, "Eh, lots of brits have that accent."

"Yup." Tubbo blinked.

"Good luck you guys, first up is Eggpire, so we're going to just get you guys to be ready as fast as possible, the emcee is already starting.

"Thank you mr. Blade!" Bad followed the others' leads in calling the pink haired man the title.

"Oh and, since we're out of school, my name is Technoblade, just call me Techno."

The teacher's students all smiled, "Okay!"

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