Secrets Told

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Requested: kitthekate
Dracy (pic not mine)

{Stacy's POV}
I was walking down the street late at night from a midnight walk that I had to sneak out of my house to go on, even though it was only 11 o'clock at night but my parents were always strict on sleep schedules so it doesn't really surprise me that they sent me to bed at 9:00 PM at least and 9:30 PM at most. Then while I was walking past the convenient store nearby my house I heard a few low sobs coming from a nearby tree or at least the person leaning on it. I couldn't see his face since he was wearing a hood so when my curiosity got the best of me I was walking over to the tree.


Stacy: Hey there um... are you ok? I heard a few sobs so I came over he-


{Stacy's POV}
As I got closer I saw the guy's surprised face and immediately I knew who he was even though the darkness of the night covered half of his face.


Stacy: Dr-Drew?! What are you here crying for?


{Drew's POV}
I was leaning on a tree nearby a convenient store sobbing and crying because of what happened earlier. I still can't believe she did that to me, I thought she would be the one for me but I was wrong.


[Earlier that day]
{Drew's POV}
I was walking through the mall since I was going shopping with Zoey but I got there earlier than I was supposed to but as I was waiting outside for Zoey I looked near the doors. I couldn't believe what I had saw. ZOEY WAS KISSING ANOTHER GUY ON THE LIPS. My eyes filled up with tears and I let one fall before heading over there to confront her.




{Zoey's POV}

I was kissing my one side guy, Zachary, after he took me shopping and before hand I told him to put what we bought in his car and that I would meet up with him later to get my stuff so I could go shopping with Drew really soon. What I didn't expect was for Drew to show up early, realize I had a side guy, and for him to confront me with tears in his eyes.


Zoey: Dr- Drew?!


Zoey: Please don't be mad I can explain everything!

Zachary: Babe who is this?

Drew: I'm her boyfriend!

Zachary *confused*: But I'm her boyfriend.

Crowd of people at the mall: *watching and talking amongst themselves*

Zoey *looks at Drew*: It's not what it looks like Drew!

Drew: Oh really! Cause I think it's exactly what I think it looks like!

Zoey: Please Drew I'm sorry!

Zachary *looks at Drew*: I'm sorry dude I had no idea about any of this. I'll be returning these clothes  and jewelry. Again I'm very sorry. *Turns around and goes back into the mall*

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