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"What is up, chat! Welcome to the new and old, the women, men and everyone in between. Today is just going to be a chill stream, maybe a Q&A?" My eyes glanced to the second screen on my left, where my chat was already being filled with unanswerable questions.

"Tubbo and myself won't be streaming together anytime soon, sorry guys." The chat instantly filling with questions, we had become quite the iconic duo within the community.

"I made a dumb comment and it ended with myself and Tubbo having a disagreement. Personally, I think we're both just to stubborn to apologise." I nodded to myself, attempting to change the topic.

"Chat, move on. I told you why, now get over it." I was beginning to feel quite annoyed at the antics the chat was pulling. Finding myself feeling pressured to share more.

"Fucking get over it!" The chat became to visually slow down, filling with 'wow' and 'hit a nerve'.

"You guys need to understand that I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you an explanation, so stop acting like I do. You don't and won't understand what it's like to live your life publicly until you do. I'm a normal person with normal feelings. If I'm angry and in a disagreement with someone then I am. It's not that fucking deep." The views had begun to decrease and increase at a confusing rate.

Why are you yelling at people that are just curious? We're the reason you have the fam you do, you owe us that.

"Are you serious? I'm going to end the stream guys, bye." Quickly ending the stream, sighing loudly as I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"Pieces of fucking shit." Standing from the rather comfortable chair, I began to move around the room. Eventually flopping into my neatly unmade bed (a/n : please understand what I mean).

Toby :(
I'm sorry, goodbye.

My voice was a soft whisper, turning my phone off as I turned towards the wall, "Goodbye, Tubs."

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