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The sky had slowly turned grey as the day slowly faded away, Tommy had tweeted about missing his live a while ago knowing of what was coming. Texting the one person that he wanted near during such phenomenons, not having his parents to comfort him as they had left of the weekend.

Y/n, his neighbour, had been waiting for a storm since moving to England from the US, being from Texas. Their brother, Nick, sitting downstairs texting his older friends in a discord chat before the larger storm wiped their internet. Nick noticing the absence of Tommy in the texts, called his younger sibling downstairs.

"Can you go next door and see if Tommy's ok? I know he's not a big fan of storms." Y/n nodded, walking outside and across their yard to his. Not bothering to knock, entering the house going up the stairs to the teenage boy's room.

"Tommy? Are you ok?" Y/n walked closer to the bundle of sheets on the bed, covering a large body. Slowly, Y/n lifted the blankets seeing their friend. The fear that was portrayed across his face hurt Y/n, knowing the blonde wasn't ok.

"I don't like storms y/n/n." Tommy's voice was a whisper, but even then Y/n could hear the slight shakiness.

"I know. Nick told me to come a check-up on you, do you want to come back to mine? We can cuddle in my room listening to music." Tommy let out a shaky sigh, standing and quickly walking towards Y/n. Engulfing the slightly younger teen into a tight hug, wanting to feel safe in their embrace.

"Can we go before-" A loud strike of thunder made the boy jump, latching onto the American.

"Thought you didn't like Americans, Tommy?" Y/n spoke in a joking manner, trying to get a smile out of the blonde.

"I'll make an exception today, otherwise I will literally cry." Y/n let a small, airy laugh pass their lips; bringing the boy close to my chest once again. Walking slowly towards the door, Tommy clinging off of Y/n's body.

"Tommy, we're here you can let go. Nick will grab you some sweats to change into." Tommy let a sigh of relief as we walked into the warmer house, him having not been able to make it past his bedroom door frame without jumping.

"Y/n? Oh- Hey Tommy, are you ok? I know that you don't deal with storms a lot and Motherinnit isn't home..." Tommy shook his head, walking towards Y/n's elder brother. Nick pulled the teen into his arms, allowing the boy to sob silently.

"Is he ok?" Y/n mouthed towards their brother, Nick shook his head patting the younger boy on the back.

"Go get cleaned up Tommy, we'll be here when you come back." Tommy nodded, walking away to wash his face.

"He has some... trauma with storms. It's like the only thing he is deathly afraid of, must be the first storm without his parents." Y/n nodded, walking to their room. Watching as the rain fell heavily, it had become comfort weather since moving.

"I'm sorry, I can see that the rain is important to you and me coming in here crying probably ruined the whole vibe you and Nick had."

"Tommy it's completely fine, I'm still scared of the dark. I can't judge you, plus Nick would've just went for a nap; he doesn't have the same connection with storms I have." Tommy smiled softly, walking closer to where Y/n was sitting on the open window ledge.

"Do you want to cuddle and listen to music...?" Tommy was cautious with his question, his face lighting as Y/n moved from their seat to the bed.

"Well come on then big man, come cuddle with an American."

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