LIVE - Tommy

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"Hello he's, she's, they's and everyone in between! Today I'm joined by a man, Tommy, hurry up and sit down." A large huff of air rushed from his nose in annoyance.

"You said a man like it's a bad thing, I'm big and strong. Very charming if you ask me, I have so many girlfriends."

The light to my darkness.

"Tommy, if my mum is watching this she will beat your ass for that comment." Tommy quickly corrected his posture and went straight-faced.

"Your mum is scary..." He whispered mainly to me but making sure that the chat could hear.

"No, she's not." I whispered back before turning back to the camera, "She just doesn't like your jokes, says they're 'misogynistic'." His face dropped as I exploded into laughter.

"Thoughts on Wattpad and/or ao3? Well, I only know of Wattpad and to be honest, I don't really care about what y'all write. Tommy doesn't like the sexual stuff, so don't do that." Tommy flushed red, agreeing.

"You know what I think is really cool though, is watching people debunk the lore on TikTok." Tommy was always talking about how interesting the theories were, either on-call or in person.

"Agreed, there is one account, I think they use they/them but correct if I'm wrong chat, that breaks down everything that happens during our streams; half the time I don't even realise the stuff I do is crucial to the plot." Tommy laughed agreeing, oh god his laugh.

"I need a coke, give me a second." Tommy jumped from his seat, running out of my room.

"Opinion on Tommy, p.s I love you </3, I love you too. He sucks ass, he's loud and annoying." I joked sarcastically, some people not realising it was a joke.

"I'm only joking. He's a great lad, sweet and caring. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him, he has saved me many times throughout my 15 and a half years of life." I knew he heard my little rant, he had stumbled in like an elephant on stilts as I closed my mouth.

"I'm back lads!" He shouted rather loudly, shoving the two cokes he had in hand into the air.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" His face was laced with concern, eyebrows pulled together as he stared into my darker eyes.

"Yeah sorry, just thinking about how much I just fed your ego." He laughed shyly, hiding his face as he grew embarrassed.

"No you weren't, my ego is fine."

"Rate your looks out of 10, Tommy."

"10/10 obviously. I'm so cute and big."

"Tommy, no..."

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