WHAT IF? - Wilbur

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Song Mentioned : Freaks - Surf Curse

"Wilbur, I'm writing a sad indie song. Not the wheels on the bus." A frown apparent on my best friends face as his head rested on the side of my lap.

"Yeah, but the album is so... sad. You need a happy one to break it up a little y'know?" His eyebrows raised slightly as his head leant back, meeting my gaze.

"Have you listened to your own album, Wilbur?" I replied sarcastically.

"Ok fine, what do you have down so far?"

"It's a little rough so don't.. judge."

Don't kill me
Just help me run away
From everyone
I need a place to stay
Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry
I am just a freak

My fingers continued to strum the guitar, humming the harmony as Wilbur softly bopped his head to the harsh and fast cords of the chorus.

"I really like the first verse, maybe I'm wrong." He laughed cutely making me smile putting my guitar next to me, ticking beside the first verse as it was 'Wilbur Approved'.

Will wasn't aware that I did this with my songs, he had asked me countless times before but he had come to the conclusion that it was that the verse was complete and wasn't going to be changed.

"Of course it's good Wilbur, I'm a creative genius." His laugh echoed throughout my small studio in the tucked away corner in my jungle like backyard.

"Creative genius my arse, last time your wrote a song without my help and confirmation was when Harry Styles was in One Direction." Wilbur spoke through his constant giggles making my sigh and throw my head back.

"I try Wilbur, I do. I'm just not as gifted as you." He sighed, shifting slightly so he was on his side making eye contact with me.

"Can we cuddle? We'll finish the song writing tomorrow, maybe I'll help you write the chorus." I nodded softly smiling at the grown eyed boy.

"Maybe." I mumbled back with a sigh realising how drained I truly was.

"Get some rest Y/n, I love you." His head pushed into my neck with a small smile.

People make comments constantly about how we act like a couple, especially Tommy. He is our darkest shipper along with other close friends of ours like Philza and Techno. Wilbur liked to laugh it off as I always let my mind wonder to the, 'what if's?'.

"I love you too."

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