BABY BOY - Wilbur

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There we sat, 2:38am on Tuesday night. The wind was cold and harsh, sending a whistle like sound throughout the trees. Cradling my best friend as his tears streamed onto my shirt, shaking as he whispered his regrets from throughout life.

One of the hardest moments I had faced was watching my other half finally hit his breaking point. The sobbing had been slicing the air for what felt like days, but it had only been maybe an hour or two.

"It's just gotten so much worse, I don't know how I'm going to stop it this time." His voice was trembling, hands shaking as he gripped onto my now wet shirt.

"Have you been talking to Tommy lately? He's been worried and I know he's helped you out of this before Will."

"He's 16, he doesn't need my 23 year old problems." I sighed, Wilbur had such a kind heart and the thought of him distancing himself from people that he cared for and cared for him hurt me.

"Can you at least text him and tell him you're okay? He's worried about your physical health as well Will."

"I'm cold, Y/n/n..." His voice trembled as he hiccuped as he struggled to keep his tears down once again, "I'm so cold Y/n/n, please help me." Wilbur had given up at this point, I could see it in his eyes.

"I'm trying bubba, I'm trying. But I can't help you if you don't actually won't to be helped." A slight glisten was able to be seen as I ran my fingers through the mop of hair that laid on my chest. The huffs of air fanning into upwards.

"I want to be helped, I do!"

"Oh baby boy..."

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