Chapter 34

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I didn't really think this through.

I didn't think about the fact that I'll be leaving tonight with the person Harry hates most and I'm going to have to tell him. I'm going to have to see his face whenever I tell him. I could lie to him but I don't even know what lie I would make up. Maybe that I was deciding randomly during our day together that I was going to go out to the club by myself.

That just isn't believable at all, and it's not like I have Sage here that I could say I was going with. Plus, lying would probably be pointless anyway because Aiden has a big mouth and I doubt that he wouldn't tell him. Pushing all of that aside, I don't even think I could go through with lying to him about it. It would be something so stupid to lie about and I know that if he found out I was lying to him about it, that would hurt him more than just telling him the truth to begin with.

I just need to be completely honest with him. No lies, no secrets. I know it's going to hurt him and he will probably act like it doesn't but I'm not completely blind. It might be tough to read through him lately, but something like that is very obvious to see. It doesn't take searching to see that. I know it's going to be hard to tell him but it would be even harder not telling him or lying to him.

The door of the apartment opening quickly knocks me out of my thoughts, making me snap my head in that direction. "I'm sorry that took so long. I seriously couldn't find my phone. It had completely fallen underneath my seat and I didn't have a flashlight to see it." Harry tells me, shaking his head side to side.

"You could of called me to come help-" I quickly pause when I see Harry face fall, a small smile on his face. I then let out a breathy laugh as I run my fingers through my hair. "You lost your phone. Right. I forgot." I mutter.

I hear Harry laugh at me as he walks away and into the kitchen. I suck in a long breath, slowly letting it out before I get up off of the couch, walking over to him, seeing him grab a water bottle out of the fridge. "Do you want one?" he asks me.

"No, I'm good. Thank you." I answer softly, making him nod his head at me before he pulls only one out for him. Okay here we go. I need to just pull of the band aid and do it. "I actually need to tell you about something."

I see him furrow his eyebrows at me as he takes a long sip out of his water. "Okay." he mumbles, screwing the cap on it before setting it down on the counter. "Go ahead. I'm listening."

I swallow hard, sticking my tongue out slightly to wet my dry lips. "I was uh- invited out to the club tonight," I pause, trying to scan his reaction, seeing nothing change. "by Aiden and I agreed." I finish quietly.

I see the emotions behind his eyes quickly change, seeing everything become more dull and dark and hurt. I see him furrow his eyebrows at me ever so slightly, almost like he's confused on why I would agree. But then that all gets quickly wiped away as he nods his head at me. "Okay." is all he says.

"That's all?" I breathe out before I can stop the words from falling off of my lips. "I don't want to hurt you Harry-"

"It doesn't hurt me." he quickly interrupts me, making me quickly shut my mouth as I can't help when I furrow my eyebrows at him. "We've talked about it Leah, and why you've hung out with him before. You don't owe me an explanation. We're friends. You can hang out with whoever you want." he tells me.

The feeling that he's still hurt by it remains in my gut as I glance down at the ground briefly. I don't want to argue with him though. That's the last thing I want. But I also hate thinking that when I leave, I'll be hurting him. "Harry, please be honest with me." I speak lowly as I look up at him from underneath my eyelashes.

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