Chapter 31

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I roll onto my side, letting out a loud groan, feeling like my bladder is about explode. I squeeze my thighs together as if that would help as I let out a long exhale. I absolutely hate waking up feeling like you're about to pee yourself because then it forces me to get up right after I wake up. I need at least ten minutes of laying in bed before I actually get up and start my day. Sadly, I can't do that today.

I open up my eyes, seeing no sun shinning through the windows at all. I furrow my eyebrows before I sit up on my elbow, reaching over to the coffee table to grab my phone. I turn it on, seeing it's three in the morning. I let out an annoyed sigh as I set my phone back down. Not only did I wake up feeling like my bladder was going to explode soon, but I barley got to sleep.

I grip my blanket, throwing it off of me before I swing my legs off of the couch, my feet hitting the floor. I then stand up before I quietly walk over to the bathroom in the hallway. Once I reach it, I quickly twist the doorknob before I open the door and walk in. Harry's room is right beside it so I want to try and be as quiet as possible.

If I accidently woke Harry up, he wouldn't be one that would come out and yell at me or lecture me about it the day after, but I still want to be as quiet and respectful as possible. Plus, he's just like me. He can get cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep and I would want to avoid that. I then use the restroom before I wash my hands, drying them with a cute forest green hand towel Harry has hanging up.

I have to say, I've become quite obsessed with his apartment. I knew Harry had amazing taste in things such as clothes, but I didn't think his taste for apartment decor would be as good as it is. I think he's giving Sage a run for her money and that's saying a lot. I also love it so much because even though it's almost the opposite of mine, it's what I wanted. The darker furniture, but Sage talked me out of it.

She didn't talk me out of it though because she didn't think it was cute. She talked me out of t because then, almost everything I wore was dark. She was just wanting me to step out of my bubble and try something different. I'm glad she did but now seeing Harry apartment, I'm in love with it. I hope he knows that.

I then open up the door, turning off the light as I walk out. Just as I go to walk away though, I hear sounds coming from Harry's room. It's three in the morning. I have no idea why he'd be up at this time. I can't help my curiosity as I step towards his door, my ear leaning towards it as I try to listen in. Even with what happened yesterday, I still choose to listen in.

All I can hear is very faint groaning and like he's rustling around in his bed. My mind goes straight to what happened yesterday but this doesn't sound like that. As I'm in my own head, I hear the sound of his voice, it making me press the side of my face against the door completely. All I can hear is broken and shaky whimpers of the words no, please, and stop. And then it hits me.

He's having a nightmare.

I put my hand on the doorknob, hesitantly twisting it before I open up the door slowly. "Harry." I speak out as I peek through the door. I then see him on the bed, his eyes closed as he lays on his side, his body visibly shaking. Without hesitation, I rush over to him, sitting down on the edge of his bed. I then put my hand don his shoulder, nudging him slightly. "Harry wake up." I say softly, still loud enough to where he would wake up because of it.

I see his body jolt as his facial features tense up. "Pl-please stop- don't hurt her." he cries, sweat dripping down his forehead and neck.

I feel like a knife has been shoved into my chest and tearing it's way through my heart when I hear him speak. When I hear the words that fall off of his lips. When I see how he looks in front of me. I nudge him a few more times before I put my hands on his cheeks, stilling him before I shake his head slightly. "Harry please wake up." I beg, my voice coming out weaker than I anticipated.

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