Chapter 8

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Harry POV

It's been a month since the last time Leah messaged me.

And a little over a month since I went to the club with Aiden and Nick.

The last message she sent me broke me. I was in bed when I saw the notification pop up on my phone. I couldn't believe that she had texted me but when I read the words 'maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too' I wished that she hadn't. I felt everything evaporate around me as tears started to stream down my cheeks. I couldn't stop thinking over that message for two weeks. It was all that was in my mind.

It showed that she wanted me. She wanted me to text her or call her and apologize. It showed that she still wanted me and that maybe, just maybe, she didn't hate me. And that maybe, she'd be able to forgive me. I thought that until her messages suddenly stopped. No calls, no voicemails, no texts. Just nothing. Each day I begun checking my phone more and more, waiting to see if she would text or call but she never did. I was worried. I was worried that something had happened to her so I decided to call Sage.

To say the least, she wasn't very pleased to hear my voice. She seemed very angry with me, reasonably of course. When I told her that I just wanted to make sure nothing bad had happened to Leah because she stopped texting, she told me that she hasn't been okay or good since I left but I didn't care then. I tried explaining it to her how I felt scared to call her, to which Sage lowered her voice slightly yet her tone remained very stern and upset.

She basically told me everything that Nick had already told me. How I was the biggest idiot for not calling or texting her when she was blowing up my phone. I already knew that though. I was beating myself up over it. I wanted to call and text her but I just couldn't. I still haven't been able to. Sage then reassured me that nothing bad happened to Leah and that she was trying to deal and heal from me leaving. We then soon get off of the phone, it being clear that Sage really didn't want to talk to me which is understandable.

I hurt her bestfriend. The girl that's basically a sister to her. I wouldn't want to talk to me either if I was in her position. I would be so beyond pissed at me if I was her so I'm thankful that she even answered my call. Something Sage said when we were on the phone did end up sticking with me. She told me, and I quote 'you need to get your shit together because what you're doing right now is fucked up. I know you're not usually like this so once you finally get your head out of your ass, you need to see what you've broken and you need to fix it'

She was right. I've had my head stuck so far up my ass so once she finally brought that to attention, I've tried to start actually doing something with my life again. My step dad needed help at the gym he owns so I've become trainer there. Plus, I need the money. And I know how much time and money he puts into his business so I wanted to do something nice for him and help. And the last reason I didn't want to admit is that I thought it might help get my mind off of Leah. I've also spent some time after hours working out since I want to get back into shape.

I kind of stopped working out when I went to Oregon. It just really wasn't my main focus but now that I'm back here and because of the circumstances, I thought it'd be a good idea. I have to confess, it's been kind of kicking my ass sine I haven't worked out in awhile. I used to be able to do a lot more than I can now but I guess one of my goals is to get back there again. Aiden has given me some shit for it which just makes me want to strangle him. But when do I not want to? He decided to pop by the gym when I was there working out alone and as usual, he was a dick.

Truthfully, the day I woke up after I went to the club with the two of them, I felt bad for what I said to him. Will I ever apologize to him though? Absolutely not. I know if I did, it's not like it would even matter to him. He would just make a joke out of it with some sarcastic remark. I did genuinely feel bad though. I think I definitely went way too far when I brought up his family hating him. It's a line I knew was set there and yet, I crossed it.

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