Chapter 40

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I roll over onto my stomach, stretching out, a long yawn escaping my lips as I wrap my arms around my pillow, nuzzling my head into it. I hum lowly, keeping my eyes for a few moments, feeling extremely comfortable where I feel like if I move the slightest bit, I won't be anymore. My eyes then slowly flutter open at the smell of pancakes, immediately spotting the Christmas tree on the other side of the living room.

It's finally Christmas.

The corners of my lips slowly curve up into a wide smile , feeling joy start to surge through me, making me hide my face into the pillow more, tucking my blanket underneath my chin. I've been very nervous but excited for this day. I feel like it's taken so long to come, like the universe has just dragged out my days but I couldn't be any happier that it's now finally here. I just have to get off of this damn couch and out from underneath this cozy blanket.

Oh, how I really don't want to.

I suck it up, letting out a small exhale before slowly arch my back and sit up on my knees on the couch, the blanket falling down onto the couch and off of my body. I then look over into the kitchen, seeing Harry standing by the stove, his hair messy and falling slightly into his face. I then hear very faint music, nearly inaudible of what sounds to be 'Isn't she lovely' by Stevie Wonder.

I bite down on my bottom lip, smiling even wider at the sight as I lay my forearms against the back of the couch, resting my chin on my hands as I look over at him, admiring him for afar. I miss being able to do this. Just being able to watch him. Now if I ever get the chance, it would have to be when he's not looking or like now, unaware I'm even awake.

I take a few more moments to just gaze at him, watching how he slightly sway to the music with that peaceful look on his face. I then stand up off of the couch, debating bringing the blanket with me but I don't. I walk over to the kitchen quietly, tip toeing behind him as I lean against the counter. "Morning." I speak up softly.

Harry quickly twists around, his gaze meeting mine, his eyebrows raising slightly and a smile appearing on his lips. "Morning." he replies, nodding his head at me. "Merry Christmas."

I feel my cheeks blush slightly as my smile grows at the tone in his voice. "Merry Christmas." I mutter, glancing over at the pan in front of him with a pancake on it. "Making some for me?" I grin, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Of course." he responds, looking back at it, flipping it in the pan. "Do you want some tea? Oh wait. You've never had proper tea have you?" he gasps, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

I roll my lips into my mouth, leaning my forearms on the counter, shaking my head at him. "No I haven't. And I think considering I dated a brit, it's a bit embarrassing." I mumble, letting out a small laugh. "You could make me some though. If you want of course. I could take over with the food." I suggest.

"Absolutely. You need to try some real tea. You take over." he says sternly but playfully, a bright smile on his face. I simply nod my head at him, walking next to him and taking the spatula from him. He then walks over to his kettle, pulling water in it then putting it on the stove beside me.

I giggle lowly at him, shaking my head side to side before I take the pancake off of the pan, putting it on a plate beside me, seeing that it's now done. I then look over, seeing three pancakes now on each plate. "Do you want some fruits with this?" I question him, making him nod his head in response.

I then walk over to the fridge, opening it up and scanning my eyes over the drawers, going straight to the fruit drawer. I then grab out some strawberries and blueberries of course, setting them down on the counter. "Oh grapes! I haven't had grapes in ages!" I exclaim excitedly, pulling out the purples grapes, setting them down with the rest of the fruit.

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