Chapter 29

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Come on, baby
We better make a start.
You better make it soon
Before you break my heart.
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere.

* * * *

I wake up slowly to the morning sun beaming through the room, the bright light making me squint my eyes as I roll onto my side with a loud groan. Once I roll over, my hand lays flat against the-


I quickly open my eyes as I look down at where my hand is placed. I run my hand along the silk sheets before I pick up my head, looking around. I'm in Harry's room. I know for a damn fact that I didn't fall asleep here last night. Sometimes I might question if I'm crazy but this is one of those instances where I know I'm not.

I then slowly sit up, raising my hand to my eyes as I rub over them, trying to get used to the brightness in his room. What's the point in having dark curtains if they don't work? I then let out a long sigh as I bend my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I then look down at the bed, gripping the sheets as I wrap it more firmly around my body.

I absolutely adore silk sheets and the way it feels on my skin. I run my hand along them, the silky soft fabric grazing the palm of my hand. I then press into the bed with my fingertips, my fingers sinking in easily. His bed is much more comfortable and softer than mine. I knew just by looking at it that it was probably so comfortable. I don't know how Harry went from this bed to my shitty one back in Oregon.


My action quickly come to a halt as my eyebrows furrow. That's how I got into this bed. That's the only way I could of gotten into this bed. Unless I randomly sleep walked for the first time and came into this room. That possibility seems very unlikely. Unlike the possibility of Harry bringing me into the room while I was sleeping. That seems very much like him.

I grab the covers, pulling them off of me before I swing my legs off of the bed, my feet hitting the floor. I look back, quickly snatching a pillow off of the bed before I walk out of the bedroom. I then see Harry sleeping peacefully on the couch, gripping a pillow underneath his head as the blanket that's supposed to be covering his body is now half off of him.

What a shame. He looks so peaceful.

I grip my pillow tighter before I swing it up, letting it slam down on Harry's face roughly. I see his body quickly jolt as a crease forms in between his eyebrows. "What the-" he murmurs in a groggy voice. His eyes flutter open as he slowly sits up, his green eyes connecting with mine. Complete and utter confusion flashes over his face as he stares at me. "Leah?"

My arms smack down against my sides as I stare at him,  a hard and stern expression on my face. "Don't give me that innocent look. You know exactly what you did." I spit.

He just stares at me. If it was a different circumstance, I would believe that he was genuinely confused with the look on his face but I know he knows what he did. He lets out a breathy laugh as he runs his fingers through his curly hair. "Is this about the bed-"

"Of course it's about the bed." I swiftly interrupt him, letting out a frustrated sigh as I shake my head side to side at him. "And you're an-" I pause, hitting him against the side of the face with the pillow again. "ass for it." I finish.

He lets out a low giggle, his hair now all ruffled and falling against his face. He then brushes all of his hair back out of his face before he looks up at me with a wide grin, holding his hands up in defense. "Listen, violence is not the solution to this. So lets talk-"

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