Chapter 41

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"You've got my devotion,
but man I can hate you sometimes."
"We'll be a fine line. We'll be alright."

* * * *

I got progressively more nervous the closer we got to Harry's mom's house.

I thought I was going to be okay and that with Harry's reassurance earlier, I would be okay. I wouldn't be nervous. I definitely thought wrong. I overestimated myself. Harry ended up turning on music as always but even that didn't help silence the worried going through my head.

I'm meeting Harry's mom for fucks sake and he thinks nothing of it. I thought maybe a small part of him would be nervous but he isn't at all. If anything, he seems more excited than anything. He was sitting over in the drivers seat just tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the song. I sat there in the passenger seat, looking out of the window, overthinking everything that I was going to do when I got there.

Our moods are very different right now.

I know me and Harry's mom have talked before, more than once ever. Not only do I hope her view of me didn't change, I want to be able to live up to her expectation of me. I don't want to disappoint her. I don't want her to be disappointed that I was the one Harry chose to be with. I want to be enough for Harry to her.

I know with the other times we've talked, she seemed to really like me and want to meet me but that's not my worry. My worry is that once she meets me, she won't like me anymore. She'll see something in my that isn't worthy of Harry's love or attention. But with the way Harry has spoken of her and how kind she is, it seems like she wouldn't be like that.

I've just never met someone's parent before. Thankfully, I was super young when I met Sage's so then that's kind of a blur to me and because of my age, it didn't matter all that much. I'm meeting my ex boyfriends mother. It's a bit scarier than just a friend of yours parent. Or at least to me it is.

I just have to hope that it all goes like Harry says it will. I have to try and have  a positive mindset about it. I have to do what Harry said and just be myself ad me being all anxious about being enough won't make me end up being my true authentic self. I need to just breathe and try and relax.

It will go okay. She will like me.

I then see us pull into the driveway, making me snap out of my own thoughts and daze I was in, seeing a brown and white house two story in front of us. I suck in a sharp breath, seeing and feeling Harry put the car in park, looking over at me. "You ready?" he asks me softly, his hand still on the gear shift.

I swallow hard, remembering what I was just telling myself, letting out a small exhale as I let my shoulders slump down, just now realizing how tense they were. I then look up at him, nodding my head and sending him a small smile. "Yes I'm ready. Let's go." I answer him.

I then unbuckle my seat belt just as he does, opening up my door and hopping out of the car. I then hear him turn off the car, getting out just after me, closing his door then walking over to me. I notice him hold his hand out slightly from his body before he quickly puts it back to his side. "Don't be nervous." he whispers to me as we walk up to the front door, side by side.

A bit easier said then done.

He then grabs the door handle, twisting it and opening up the door, looking back at me. "She always scolds me when I knock." he mutters, a small smile on his face before he walks in, holding the door open. "Mom, we're here!" he speaks up loudly.

I suck in a sharp breath, slowly letting it out as I walk in, looking around the beautiful and neatly decorated home "I'm in the kitchen, dear!" I hear his mom then yell out.

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