Chapter 46: Patience

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    "What about waiting forever? There's nothing wrong with having a little patience, Jungkook," Taehyung assured and watched the boy let out a hopeless sigh. "If you really want to get to know Jimin, then there's no problem waiting. At the end of the day, you can't be too sure about what's on the other side... maybe he wants to be certain you'll be there for him. Remember, you two just started getting close to each other!" Taehyung went on as Jungkook let out a sigh and thought to himself further.

      "I understand that... but I just want to be there for him. These feelings I have... they won't go away! And the more I hope to be there for him, the more curious I become. He doesn't like certain things and he behaves oddly when I try opening up conversations when it comes to who he is. What if he doesn't want to let me in?"

      "Ah, Jungkook... you're overthinking it! Calm down. I'm sure he wants to know you too. Things just won't be easy off the bat. He's human too, this isn't some children's book where he will fall in love with you just like that, he needs to know you and understand you! Of course... I suspected this, you've never been closer to anyone like this so, I can't blame you," Taehyung answered and began to pace around the studio.

     "You're right, Taehyung... he just...worries me."

      "How come?"

       "The way he reacts to certain things I do towards him, the way he despises being called an angel, the way he grows distant towards work related topics and how important he truly is to his company..." Jungkook mentioned and let out a scoff. "Did you know Directors are very close to their idols? Who would have thought... someone that has a higher position in the Industry would revolve around the idol so much. You know, I would have guessed the manager would call many times or an assistant, but the Director? Not a chance..."

      "What do you mean?"

       "The Director called Jimin many times yesterday because Jimin chose to spend the day at my place... I didn't think he would be the one calling, but even the manager didn't call as much! The industry is a weird business," Jungkook said to himself before letting out a chuckle. Unaware of what went on behind closed doors as Taehyung only raised a brow. "I know you have a thing for theories on famous celebrities... Do you know what this is by any chance?"

      "Well, it's not a lot I can work with, but what I do know from what you told me, I'm guessing Jimin hates his job and his image. If my boss was to call me all day when I'm off, I would get upset towards that person and my position too!"

      "That's the thing... Jimin didn't have a day off. He escaped and came to my place, begging to stay and clinging onto me like I would save him from his job. Not everyone likes their job, but wouldn't living a famous life like his be easy? It should be... but he always tells me he's working all week and never has a break to see me. Does he hate his career because of being overworked?"

     "What I've seen is celebrities sometimes being overworked... or being forced to do things they don't want to do by the upper hands in the industry. But surely no one would try to harm Jimin, right? At the end of the day, I bet that Director was just trying to get a hold of Jimin since he is the one who's behind his career, right?" Taehyung continued to spitball his ideas onto the table as Jungkook only tried to connect them, but they didn't make any sense.

     "If the Director was just trying to get his attention and call him, why would he spam his calls all night? Why would Jimin carry such a dull face when I mentioned the Director being a good man before and why would he get so upset at me calling him his angel? That doesn't make sense... Does Jimin hate his boss? Does this all connect with Jimin hating the feeling of me touching his chin or despising a certain position in bed?" Jungkook thought to himself and suddenly thought the worst. "No... I don't think something that bad might have happened to him. He's the world's most loved human being! There's no way his Director would want to hurt him like that..."

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