Chapter 13: Demon

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Ash's PoV

Ellie looked at me like she had seen a ghost. It was the same expression she had the day I saw her.

"Where?" She squeaked.

Uh. I hate questions, and I wasn't telling her anyways.

"It's a surprise" I smirked at her.

I loved the way she scowled at me when I flirted.

She remained quiet for a while. I knew she was thinking if she should trust me or not. I wasn't getting why though. I saved her twice, she should obviously trust me. But then it's good not to trust strangers.

I won't remain a stranger to her after tonight. I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on her and I don't want her to be oblivious of that.

"I won't eat you don't worry" I said.

"Are you a ghost?" She asked.



"Then why aren't you scared of them like the others? Why are you out in the dark alone? Why don't they haunt you?" She asked. I could trace fear in her tone.

"I'm not a ghost" I said flatly.

"Then what are you?" she questioned.

"You won't believe if I tell you that's why I'm gonna show you, got it?"

She nodded curtly.

"Now climb out" I demanded.

"Out of the window?" She furrowed.

"Yes, right now." I said pulling her hand.

She climed out reluctantly.

Ellie's PoV

Ok. This was stupid. So stupid. But I couldn't stop myself. All my instincts had stopped working and I was following him into the woods like a puppet, actually, I felt like a moth drawn to a flame.

Whatever he is now I'm sure he isn't human. I could feel dread threading against my skin. My legs were starting to shiver.

Is he gonna kill me?

Questions swarmed in my head. I couldn't think straight. We were heading deeper into the woods and this silence kept building tension.

I stopped abruptly. Ash, who was walking some steps ahead of me ceased walking too and glanced back at me.

He looked at me and so did I. In the moonlight his eyes looked black.

Seeming to read my mind he walked to me, held my hand and murmured "it's alright, nobody's gonna hurt you"

"I'm scared" I whispered. My body shuddered.

This time he hugged me. His scent was heavenly. I wanted to bury myself there in his arms for the rest of my life.

"Can you take me back, I'm scared" I insisted.

"You're not safe there" he said.

"How can you say that" I raised my head and met his eyes.

"I'll tell you later, gotta show you something before that" he said breaking away.

He's so bossy.

He grabbed my hand and spoke "are you afraid of flight?"

That was an odd question for the moment but I managed to reply.

"No but I'm not really keen either" I said.

"Ok now I'm gonna show you something, promise me you won't be scared and run away" He said.

Ok that was beginning to scare me even worse now. But I didn't have a choice did I?

"Promise" I said.

"Ok now close your eyes"

I did as I was asked.

I waited a while but nothing happened. I was beginning to think that he'd pranked me but then something strange started to happen.

The air that was breezing slowly a while ago now was turning into winds. After a moment the winds were howling. I shuddered.

There was a high whoosh sound. The air grew still.

"You can open your eyes now" I heard Ash saying.

I opened my eyes.

Ash stood before me with a smirk.

My eyes widened.

He wasn't just standing, he was standing with enormous black wings protruding from his back!

My breath caught in my throat.

"What the hell are you?" My voice shook.

"I'm a demon"

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